Conversations [Comfort Jay and Briar]

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"Have you finished your daily exercises yet? How's your paw?"

"Don't crowd her Millie, she'll be fine." Jayfeather said sternly, sorting poppy seeds. Briarlight gave her mother a brisk nod. "I'm dong better, I recovered well from greencough" Briarlight said excitedly. "How are Blossomfall and Bumblestripe?" She asked quietly, her fluffy tail was lightly hitting against her nest. Millie flicked an ear and turned her head to the den entrance. "They're doing just fine, Bumblestripe caught a pretty large mole today." Millie purred. The brown she-cat gave her a smile. Millie glanced around the den and as she did so the medicine cat noticed Briarlight's tail stopped twitching against her nest. Jayfeather, this den is a little messy, you should really clean it more. There's scrambled moss, poppy seeds, and some leaves left over from Leaf-Bare." Jayfeather couldn't let his patience slip and instead sighed and padded over to Briarlight's nest, pawing at any leaves. He bent down to pick them up and made his way out of the den. The warmth of the sun hit his pelt almost instantly. Taking normal steps he dropped the dry leaves near the warriors den. Hopefully if someone needed it they could use mud to patch up any wind drafts. He turned back and halted as he recognized a familiar scent in front of him. "Hey Jayfeather!" Lionblaze exclaimed, "Nice to see you getting some sunlight, your fur could use it!" He prodded his smaller brother with a large paw while the medicine cat gave him a blank glare. "Did you not get put on the border patrol?" Jayfeather asked, stepping past him. Lionblaze followed and twitched his whiskers. "Cinderheart was leading it, she didn't ask me to join her, instead I'm helping to clear out the elder's nest."

"That's good." Jayfeather huffed. He could sense minor disappointment from his brother as he didn't face him. "What happened between you two? More arguing?" Lionblaze had been acting suspicious. The last thing he needed was for him to tell the she-cat about his powers.
"I brought up Hollyleaf." Lionblaze meowed.

Jayfeather stayed quiet as a quiet silence deemed them.

"Make's sense, the two were really close."

"Yeah.." He grumbled. "I'm probably gonna head back with Squirrelflight, later Jay." With that he quickly dashed off, leaving Jayfeather hearing his heavy pawsteps. Jayfeather turned back to the den. He could hear that Millie was casually playing mossball with Briarlight and decided not to interrupt. He went back to his spot in the den to check his stock. We're almost all out of dandelion and cobwebs, I'll need to fetch some later. He thought, noticing a rather large gap in between the yarrow and burdock root. He quickly wrapped the poppyseeds in the large leaf spread out and gently shoved them back further into the den. From outside a familiar voice rang out.
"Millie?! Graystripe is looking for you!"

"Give me a minute Foxleap!" Millie yowled. The older she-cat quietly told her daughter something inaudible to Jayfeather before scrambling out of the warm den. Moments later there was silence. A slow sigh escaped from the warrior before Jayfeather felt her gaze on him like warm sunlight after a foggy day.
"Do you need help with anything Jayfeather!?" Briarlight asked him. The tom shook his head. "I just finished sorting everything. I don't have much to do either today." He trudged to his nest and let himself collapse onto it, not feeling for any type of conversation.

"Hey Jayfeather?"

Jayfeather felt his pelt prick and let out a hiss in annoyance. "Yes?"

"Do you think I can be independent?"

"Yeah but Millie acts like you're an elder." Jayfeather huffed. "Remember when I took you down to the lake with Cinderheart to work on your muscles? Millie nearly tore my fur off right after." He let out a light chuckle remembering Millie's behavior that day. The brown-she cat breathed in heavily and sighed.
"Can we try that again sometime? I still like feeling the water on my back."

"Of course, but I'll be watching. I hate getting my fur wet." Jayfeather snorted. Briarlight laughed and awkwardly shifted in her nest, most likely bored.

"I miss running." She said suddenly. Jayfeather turned his head back about to remark until she inturrupted him. "Blossomfall and Bumblestripe visit me all the time but seeing them go off on patrols and sticking together while hunting hurts me. I loved when it was the three of us, with no care in the world except becoming warriors." A familiar emotion hit Jayfeather, with the vague image of a black, thick-furred she-cat as she ran into the dark tunnels, rocks collapsing as she turned to her littermates one final time. He sat up in his nest and faced Briarlight. Briarlight was quiet now.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He took a few steps towards her nest and curled up besides her. "That would be nice." She responded. He felt her breathing get slower as she replied.

As the brown she-cat began to speak Jayfeather listened. He was going to make sure Briarlight felt comfort and pride in how well she was recovering. It would be healthy for her to unwind about her days without having close kin treat her like a kit.

He wanted her to feel value.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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