↓~° Kingdom Oneshots °~↓

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*↓~° Kingdom Oneshots °~↓*


Choo choo! Attention, dear passengers. Thank you for choosing the Dream Express today! Im your conductor, Milky Way Cookie, and our next stop will be: "Kingdom Oneshots" Station! Hold on tight, because you're in for a bumpy ride, hehe...

Alright... ticket inspection time! Beep beep! Hey... you there! Show me your ticket.

Hmm? But you wanted to take a ride to the City of Wizards? Well sowwy, but... you do realize you have the wrong ticket.. right? Only those chosen by the Slumbering Moon will receive an invitation to the City of Wizards. The ticket you have here... its a ticket to "Kingdom Oneshots" Station.

Hehe... but dont get disappointed just yet! This station in particular is very popular among cookies of every age... and crispyness! Lets see... what did the manual say about this station again? Aha! There it is...

Its a place full of love, romance, friendship and deep bonds! Cookies even dropped a tear or two after looking at some of those dreams... I never took a look at those dreams myself, but they must be really good, I guess...

Aaand... before you consider jumping off the train into the endless void of the Dream Realm... lemme tell you something else, that makes this place attractive.. the Cookies! Who knows... maybe you recognize one or the other in these dreams. I wonder if im in one of those... hehe that would be dreamy...

Weeell, aaaanyway... I have to continue the ticket inspection, sooo... enjoy the ride! And make sure you're still in one piece, when we arrive. As I said... it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Laters, hehe!

Next stop:
Cotton Cookie x Reader --->

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