Chapter I - The Return of Wednesday Addams

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Wednesday sat at her desk and started clicking her keys on her typewriter. She had began a new novel over the summer. What else are you supposed to do in the summer?

The novel was a continuation of the one she ended on the last day of last semester. However a feeling surrounded Wednesday the minute she arrived at Nevermore again. It wasn't a very good feeling. Like something was right behind her breathing down her neck.

However, how could that possibly be real?

If anything, that sounds like something from a cheesy horror story.

But the feeling wouldn't go away. Most of the time Wednesday would ignore it and try to continue with her day. Most of the time it would work. But at times it wouldn't.

Even Enid noticed what was going on with her. However, she blamed it on 'New school year jitters.' Wednesday quickly protested, saying that 'Jitters do not feel like there is someone behind you who is going to stab you at any given second.'

Enid walked in as Wednesday was writing and her eyes widened. She walked over and looked over Wednesday's shoulder. "Oh! What are you writing about this time?" She asked.

"A continuation of my last novel." Wednesday said.

Enid nodded and skimmed over Wednesday's progress. "Well, I hope you have fun writing. Has the feeling gone away?" Wednesday shook her head. "I see. What do you think it is?"

"I hate to admit it but I don't know." Wednesday said, glancing up at Enid before looking back down at her novel.

"I'm sure it's just being back here for the first time in a while." Enid said. "Anyway, I just wanted to check up on you. But, you seem to be doing good so I'll be leaving now."

Wednesday nodded and Enid walked out of the room. Wednesday went back to typing. That is, before a timed knock on the door disturbed her. She pushed her chair back and walked over to the door. She pulled the door open only for no-one to be there. Wednesday raised an eyebrow and looked from side to side.


She rolled her eyes and closed the door. She turned around only to see Xavier sitting at her desk, sitting in the chair backwards so he could face her.

"How did you get in?" Wednesday asked, unenthused.

Xavier gestured to the door. "Enid let me in." He said.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" She asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. Thing crawled up her back and sat on her shoulder.

"How did you know I want to tell you some-"

"Answer the question." Wednesday interrupted.

Xavier raised his hands. "Alright, geez." He laughed before clearing his throat and getting serious. "Have you been getting a weird vibe here?" He asked.

"If you really want to know, yes I have."

She said, glancing over at the window for a second before back at Xavier.

Xavier nodded. "I have too. I've also been having the dreams again- you know- the ones with the Hyde in them and-"

"Yes, I know very well." Wednesday interrupted again. "Have you painted anything yet?"

Xavier shook his head. "Nothing has really stuck out to me to make me paint it."

Wednesday nodded. "Anything else?"

Xavier shook his head. "That's it."

"Alright," Wednesday stood up and allowed Thing to jump off her shoulder. "Have you met the new principal?"

Xavier's eyes widened slightly. "Surprisingly not. I haven't even seen them anywhere on canvas."

Wednesday's eyes narrowed. "Most principal's have an assembly to welcome new students and to welcome in the new school year. We should see them then."

Xavier nodded. "Did you find him at all during summer?"

"Without being able to go into the woods, it was hard to even try and find him. I did try however. All I found was a dead deer."

"Did you try any coffee shops?" Xavier suggested.

"Why would I do that?" Wednesday asked. "He probably won't even show his face after everything that has happened."

"I was just giving you a suggestion." Xavier said, raising his hands above his head.

Wednesday motioned for him to move and Xavier stepped to the side. Wednesday walked over to her desk again and sat down. She rolled up her sleeves and went back to typing.

Xavier took that as a signal to leave and excused himself.

Wednesday walked into the principal's and her eyes widened. The new principal looked a lot like Laurel Gates. Bright red hair tied into a perfect high ponytail. Two bright green eyes that seemed to pierce into Wednesday's soul.

She smiled and gestured for Wednesday to sit. "I prefer to stand." Wednesday said.

The principal retracted her hand and took a deep breath. "Hello, Wednesday. I'm Mrs. Glanville. Your new principal."

Both last names start with G. Interesting. Wednesday thought. "Why have you called me here, Mrs. Glanville?"

"Ah," Mrs. Glanville flicked her chair back so she could stand and she brushed the dust from the side of her desk. "I'm here to get a little more information just to see how great you know this school."

Why would she want to know that? She should know me already. Wednesday thought.

"Ask away, Miss." Wednesday said.

Mrs. Glanville smiled. "So, this is your second year here, correct?" Wednesday nodded. "Okay, and how well do you know the people here?"

"I know most." Wednesday said.

"Great. And would you mind it if I assign you a little task I have for you?" She asked.

The feeling started again. Closer than ever. She wanted to pin this feeling down and stab it or kick it. Anything to get it away from her. "Depends on what it is."

Mrs. Glanville nodded. "Well, we are having a new student at Nevermore show up today and would like you to show him around and let him get to know you."

Him? Wednesday thought. "May I at least see the new student?"

Mrs. Glanville nodded. "You may come in now!" She shouted out to someone. The door creaked open and shut slowly, almost as if not wanting to be known.

The feeling that had followed Wednesday around all day had suddenly vanished, for a split second, she wondered where it went.

She slowly turned around to be met with a very familiar figure. Curly brown hair, light green eyes. Significantly taller than Wednesday.

Her eyes widened in shock. So did his.



Good lord, I never thought that writing Wednesday would be so difficult. I mean, I had to think like her and act like her in my head but alas, I did it.

Next chapter will be in a bit. Hope you enjoyed!

The Woe of Love, Such Sorrow || Wedler (Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin)Where stories live. Discover now