Chapter V - Galpin & Addams

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Despite everything that has happened to Tyler and Wednesday in the past few months. Probably the most nerve racking thing to Tyler was meeting Wednesday's family for the first time.

Su, he'd met Wednesday's Uncle Fester but that was only one. Now, he was going to meet every Addams that was in that house.

Wednesday woke up a little bit before the two got there. She wasn't worried about going to her old house.

Tyler couldn't quite understand why he was so nervous to meet Wednesday's parents. Maybe it was just a natural reflex for people to be this nervous at meeting his past 'girlfriend's' parents.

But, it was only way that this mystery could be solved. So, it was only a matter of time before this was going to happen.

Wednesday walked in front of Tyler and pushed the gates open with the word 'Addams' on the top. "You rich or something?" Tyler asked.

"I wouldn't call it 'rich'. I would call it wealthy." Wednesday said.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Tyler asked.

"Who was wondering?" Wednesday countered.

Tyler just shrugged it off and continued walking. Wednesday walked up to the double doors and knocked on them. She stepped back and Tyler went down a step. The double doors opened and a tall woman stood behind them. She had a long black dress on that trailed behind her and almost covered her hands. She had long black hair and ghostly pale skin but had a little bit more color than Wednesday.

She looked down at Wednesday and gasped. "Wednesday!" She exclaimed. "I thought you had school."

"Me and my classmate, Tyler," Wednesday said, gesturing to Tyler. "Are out of school for a school assignment and I don't have the proper clothes at Nevermore."

The woman smiled at Tyler and extended her hand. "Well, It is very nice to meet you, Tyler. I'm Morticia Addams. Wednesday's mother."

Tyler took Morticia's hand and shook it. "Tyler Galpin." He said.

Morticia looked at Tyler up and down. "Let me guess. You're the sheriff's son?"

Tyler nodded. "How did you know?" He asked.

"I can see him in you. I can also see your mother. She was such a lovely woman." Morticia said. She put a hand on her chest and looked up at the sky. "Memories."

"I think that's enough, Mother." Wednesday said.

Morticia sighed. "Fine, you can come in and get your things." She turned around and started to walked inside.

Wednesday and Tyler followed shortly behind her and the double doors slammed shut behind them.


Enid flicked her finger across the thick spines of the books. Thing scanned over the shelves Enid couldn't reach. Ajax was on the other side of the bookshelf, looking for one book.

"Find anything?" Enid asked.

Ajax shook his head. "Nope. That book is hid very well." He said.

Enid held up her hand and Thing jumped onto it. She lowered her hand and allowed Thing to climb onto her shoulder. "Find anything, Thing?"

Thing tapped her should rabidly and Enid sighed. "It has to be here somewhere! Wednesday said she needed it for the project she's doing!"

"That's why you want the book Rowan had?" Ajax asked.

Enid nodded. "Wednesday needs it for her project."

The Woe of Love, Such Sorrow || Wedler (Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin)Where stories live. Discover now