Chapter XI - Death

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Enid shuddered and opened her eyes. Her hands were tied behind her back and she whimpered slightly. A blade went under her neck and almost cut her neck. She gulped and looked over at the person who was doing this. 

"I wasn't planning on killing you, Enid." Xavier said. "But, I have to if I want answers."

Enid's eyes flicked around the room. She didn't recognize this place. She didn't know where the hell she was. 

"What do you want from me?" Enid asked, almost a growl. "You tried to kill my best friend. I'm not telling you anything."

Xavier shrugged and pulled out a box of matches. He pulled one out and light it. "Don't tell me anything, and the school burns."

Enid's eyes narrowed. "And what is your goal?" Enid shouted. "To win Wednesday? One, she's not going to just run into your arms and care for you. That's not how Wednesday is. And you know that. If you think that burning down something she loves is going to make her love you. You better get your mind out of the dirt and think."

Xavier blew the match out. "You think this is about Wednesday?" He laughed. "No. This is about everything that those two have done. They don't have any reason in the world. They both love murder. They both love killing people. The list goes on. Burning the thing that they love. Is the-"

"Do you know who sound like?" Enid interrupted. She looked down. "You sound like a worse Tyler." She spat. "At least he had common sense!"

Xavier threw a knife at the wall and nearly missed Enid's head. "Never compare him to me." He said through clenched teeth. 

Enid whimpered. "Are you insane?!" She shouted. "I know you weren't the most sane person but at least they didn't threaten to burn the school down! Why?! The only reason I had a little bit of hope in you was because I thought I could give you a second chance!"

"Yes, but you know it yourself, Enid." Xavier held up the match to her face. "If that school burns down. Outcasts wouldn't be called outcasts anymore. We could actually be looked at as people. Not things."

"What are you even talking about?" She asked. "You're not making sense! We've always been seen as people! Now, I don't know what you're talking about. But, if you would please. Can you untie my hands? It's cutting off my circulation."

Xavier sighed and walked behind Enid. He freed her hands and feeling came back in a wave. She gripped her fingers and looked around. "Where's Thing?"

"Relax," Xavier gestured over to a door. "He's right there... Where is he?"


Wednesday sat on the roof and waited for Tyler to arrive. If she was being honest, she thought he would of been here before her.

Then, almost on queue. Two muscular arms wrapped around Wednesday's waist and pulled her backwards. Wednesday stifled a gasp. "Hi." Tyler said.

"Hello, Tyler." Wednesday replied. "Now, what did you have to talk about? You seemed very urgent to speak to me."

Tyler unraveled his arms and sat next to Wednesday. "Okay, well there's a lot. I have to tell you."

"Well, why don't you start where you want to start." Wednesday said. "It's only us here."

A bright pink painted its way onto Tyler's cheeks before quickly fading away again. "Well, um-." He fidgeted in place. "I might have possibly found something that I wasn't supposed to find. It's not as bad as you might think it is but it's really important."

Wednesday smirked. "You're lucky I can understand speed talking. Now, what is this "Thing" you're talking about?"

Tyler pulled something out of his pocket and was about to show Wednesday when the school shook. Wednesday's eyes narrowed and she stood. She walked towards the back of the school and saw nothing.

The Woe of Love, Such Sorrow || Wedler (Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin)Where stories live. Discover now