"Oh Shit My Bad!"

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Your POV
I get in the car slamming the door while putting in my air pods and Turning on music
Vance gets in after me rolling his eyes he slaps my arm
"Buckle up bitch I'm not getting another ticket" Vance says rolling his eyes again
I roll my eyes back buckling up and turn towards the window and put a piece of gum in my mouth.
after a few minutes of driving Vance nudges me "wake up and get out" Vance continues to nudge me
"For Fucks sake I'm up" I say annoyed
getting out of the car I trip and fall into someone
"oh shit my bad!" I say embarrassed turning around to see who i fell into

3rd Person
A boy about 5'3 with curly hair perfectly framing his face a sweet smirk appeared on is slightly pink face the boy with y/n in his arms held her for a second before she stood up
"you okay?" The boy said with a comforting smile
"Yeah Yeah in good" y/n says brushing off her pants "thanks" she said slightly smiling as she walked away

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Sorry It's Short But That's Part 1 💘
188 Words💖

Pink Converse 💖 Finley Blake X y/nWhere stories live. Discover now