"I like your shoes"

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Your POV
I walk into first period and take a seat at the only free table the only seat open in the rest of the class was next to me
I looked up and I saw the boy that i bumped into earlier I blush embarrassed as he walks over to me
"oh uhh.. mi-mind if I sit here" his shy voice says
I smile back so he is not as nervous "yeah sit down" I look at him and notice his lip is busted and it wasn't like that 5 minutes ago
He sits down as his smile fades
"What happened to your lip?" I say confused
"I-it's always been like that" the nervous boy says trying not to stutter
"No-no it hasn't I just saw you 5 minutes ago" I mumbled reaching in my bag for a 1st aid 
He looks at me with a anxious smile
"I'm not gonna hurt you" I laugh at how nervous he is
3rd Person
y/n cups the boys cold face trying not to hurt him looking closely at his lip she grabs a  disinfectant wipe and he gives her a nod knowing it is going to hurt as y/n wipes his lip he resists in pain y/n grabs the boys hand holding it tight to comfort him then y/n carefully puts a special tape/bandage on his lip so it won't come of, y/n let's go of his face smiling the only thing to break the silence was the timid boy saying
"I like your shoes" pointing at y/n's bright pink Convers

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Awww!! This was q quick chapter but cute chapter in my opinion
270 Words

Pink Converse 💖 Finley Blake X y/nWhere stories live. Discover now