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As dark cacao Carrie's his son on a cream wolves back he feels responsible for not helping him sooner"my son..why do you run from us we don't wanna hurt you we just want you back."dark choco cookie wakes up and looks around he is in his father's bedroom"f..ather? Is that you? "Dark cacao looks at his son with a faint smile" yes, yes it is me my son I won't do anything like that every again I promise now get some rest you ran very fast and the distance you walked was long."the young prince slowly falls asleep as his father stared into his eyes he feels overwhelming joy that his son is safe and sound". Now that he's asleep I can go and see what the kingdom is up to,better prepare the festivities I can't just laze around and do nothing."the two warriors outside seem to be talking about the young princes return". Do you think he's ok? I'm sure he is crunchy chip cookie his father will care for him.In the meantime let's make sure he doesn't try to escape if I know the prince he will try to run away so prepare your wolves to set up the perimeter.

The return of the young princeWhere stories live. Discover now