Sonic's POV

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So, where do I start? Everything was perfect, I had the bestest friends, places to go, and was even seen as a hero around the world. Mostly because I saved the world from Eggman until he passed away. It wasn't the same after that day, I'm glad the world was finally in peace without any robots to torture them although I had to save from from accidents such as falling off a cliff, a moving train going towards a broken train track, etc. I will admit that I do miss eggman. I liked the times where chaos happened; Eggman would sometimes piss me off and would sometimes help me on any special occasions but his time was up. When I first heard about his death I didn't take it well at all, I was aware that he was my arch-enemy and had tried to take over the world however I'm not the type of hedgehog to laugh and be glad about someone's death. And not so long my friends, even my little bro moved out of the village we would've always saved so they could live somewhere else living their own lives, well except Amy Rose; she decided to stay and have her own life as well. I have no idea why but that's when I started to have anxiety and depression. Not only has Eggman passed away, my friends are no longer with me. That's when I started to think that I'm no longer the "hero" everyone calls but a mobian that doesn't accept people's ways in life. I don't think I'm a very good person at all.
I think I'm a


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