Long time no see, right buddy?

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[The next day Sonic had woken up by a loud truck sound and had fallen into a bush, Sonic was first mad for being woken up but then realized that someone was moving in. It has been a while ever since someone moved into Hedgehog village so Sonic wanted to welcome the new citizen and give them a tour so they could get to know the village. Sonic had to get his lines ready and head off to the citizen]

Sonic: Hey there! You must be new to the village I am..
???: Sonic?
Sonic: Yes It's Sonic.. Wait- I recognize that voice-
Tails: and I do as well, long time to see bro!
Sonic: TAILS!? Oh god! I'm so glad to see you again! [hugs Tails]
Tails: [hugs back Sonic] I'm so glad to see you as well, it's been so long.
Sonic: God and you're very tall, you were the size of a minion when I last saw you-
Tails: Oh don't exaggerate,I know I was short but I wasn't THAT short. Also, what happened to your communicator? I tried to communicate with you but you never responded; I thought you were dead!
Sonic: My communicator got smashed into pieces; I don't remember how but it happened, I'm sorry lil bro
Tails: It's ok, anyway I'm going to finish unpacking so can you-
Sonic: I'll help, don't worry! [Grabs Tails' boxes and dashes into Tails' house]
Tails: Same old Sonic after 19 years, but something's not right about him..

[After many hours Sonic and Tails have finished unpacking, Tails appreciated that Sonic had helped him however he had a bad feeling about Sonic; He doesn't know what it is to be exact but knows something's off.]

Tails: So umm what do we do now?
Sonic: Oh we could go to a coffee shop, my treat
Tails: Alright!

[They both went to the nearest coffee shop, and Tails immediately recognized someone that had worked there]

Amy: Hi Sonic!
Sonic: Hey Ames! How have you been?
Amy: I got way too many orders for now, anyways what can I get yo-
Tails: Amy? Is that you?
Amy: [looks back and sees Tails) Oh my god! Tails you came back!
Tails: [giggles softly] I had to visit my big bro, it's been a while
Amy: That's good! And also-
Amy: God I hate my boss.. I wish I can stay and chat but I don't want to get yelled at by my boss again, so what will you two want?

[After getting some coffee Sonic and Tails went back to Tails' home and Sonic decided to make himself at home, Tails was glad Sonic was chilling for once but still was unsure if Sonic is in an actual acceptable state or not. However Tails didn't want to be a "burden" to ask about his health in general, He would always see Sonic the one to be comforting others and be positive all the time, sure there may be times where he was in a difficult situation but he would always find a solution to those problems.]

Tails: [To himself] I don't think Sonic is actually doing well.. He looks like he's been having a fake positive interpretation, I'm worried for him..

[Tails walked over to Sonic]

Tails: Hey Sonic, Are you okay?
Sonic: Yeah buddy, why?
Tails: Nothing! really, I just wanted to make sure

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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