Ch50: Miroku

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(??? POV - Fork in the Road - 2 Days Later)

Should I take the left path or should I take the right path?

Currently I held no destination in mind and I already completed everything else earlier this morning. Nor have I heard anything else about any yokai activity that hasn't been dealt with recently in this small part of Honshū. Or anyone of need of my aid.

And once again no word on Naraku's current location.

Deciding just to chance it I placed my shakujō in the middle of the path and let it fall. With it falling to the right.

To the right then.

"I hear that there is a young woman working at the rest house up ahead." I hear someone say from behind me, turning around to see two travelers hiking up from behind me. One speaking to the other. "They say that she is lovely, with fair skin and large eyes."


"I'm feeling a bit hungry, perhaps we should stop in to eat?" The other traveler said as they passed me by.

"Sure." He said as they continued to walk ahead.

I thought about what they said for a few moments.

Before using my foot to shift the shakujō onto the left path.

"To the left it is." I said, bending down and picking it up before following the travelers down the path.

Hopefully they were right about her.

(20 minutes later - Rest House)

They were not...

"Here you go." The woman in questions said, serving me a plate with a few skewered dango on it.

I just raised my hand in gratitude and took the plate as she walked back into the rest house. Not showing her my twitching brow or at the travelers who were behind my back.

They were correct on her having fair skin and large eyes...but she was not my type.

Not to say that she was a very beautiful young woman, she was much too plump for my tastes.

And from tasting one of the dango she will make one man or woman very happy in the near future.

I had taken this path, better follow through with it after finishing up here.

"So have you heard that the local daimyō's eldest daughter has been possesed." One of the travelers said, getting me to look at him before I hurriedly finished my skewer. "She has been in bed for weeks with no signs of recovery and has sent out his men in search of any priests to help her."

Well that is quite fortuitous that I decided to follow them.

For a chance to see this daughter and it has been a while since I had a decent haul.

"Excuse me do you mind pointing me in the direction of this daiymō's residence?" I asked, deepening my voice to appear male. Wasn't that hard to do with my looks, perhaps the only good thing I inherited from my father aside from my hōriki. "I might not be a priest, perhaps a monk should suffice?"

The men looked at each other before on shrugged.

"I believe that he would prefer any help he could get, please just let me finish eating and I'll give you directions." He said, getting me to nod.

"Very well." I said, both of us turning back to finish our dango.

Won't take me more than a minute to get ready, so might as well finish this.

Hanyo of Snow (Inuyasha harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now