Ch32: Fears Realized

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(Y/N POV - Higurashi Shrine - Modern Era)

"So are you going to not answer me or not Grandpa? " I asked him as he was checking something in the storehouse.

He had asked me this morning to help with the weekly inventory check of the shrine's storehouse. Considering I had nothing else to do.

Completed all homework for now, caught up on a project I started since first coming back from the past, helping out an associate with a project of his for a bit, and denied requests from multiple people inquiring about my art and asking to make faux copies about myself.

Especially from that greedy sociopath from the Nerima ward.

With the reveal of my past...future works?

It is still confusing to wrap my head around.

Anyway with that reveal it has been request after request from her and I will have no part in her schemes at all.

I have enough on my plate as it is after all.

Anyway besides that and figuring out how to bring Shippō to the modern era and dealing and trying to limit Yura's heists in the modern era nothing else of notice has been going on.

Besides Inuko mentioning that she had started training, specifically so she would be more ready to deal with Hiten of she returns.

Something that I was not looking forward too for when it happens.

And on the issue on going back to the Sengoku Jidai, Grandpa has been silent on the matter and it was starting to get annoying.

It has been three days since he told Kagome he would think about the issue and I believe that we could've heard something on the matter by now.

Or at least by the end of the week.

Though judging by Grandpa's sigh, that might change.

"Are you sure about that Y/N? It seems like every time you come back to the present you just get in worse and worse shape. You have two shards embedded in your chest, scars from Inuko and Hiten, and have lost part of your humanity. So you are now about...55% yuki-onna?" Grandpa asked, getting me to nod.

"That sounds about right." I said, getting Grandpa to sigh.

"As I was saying you are losing a portion of your humanity and it is only going to get worse and worse from here on out. If last week was of any indication then you will be facing worse and worse odds, more likely to die and losing your humanity along the way. I worry about Kagome as well, but she has surprised me with how she has delt with every challenge you too have face. I have more confidence that she will make it through the Sengoku Jidai with those you surround yourself with...and that includes yourself as well." Grandpa sighed out in defeat. " I just... don't want to lose you like I lost your father. He died overseas and despite his flaws he was still my friend. It took weeks to get his body back to Japan for burial with the whole reef crab fiasco. If you died in the past...I don't know if we could even bring your body back in one piece or how to explain how you died nor do I wish to ever have too. This path you and Kagome are walking is extremely dangerous. I have complete faith that my granddaughter will make it through the trials to come. But with you Y/N...I do not lose you like I lost your father, my wife, or my son."

(Grandpa POV)

Or as I would have said...I do not want to lose another son.

I already lost one, I do not want to lose another.


After hear that I could only sigh.

So that's the reason why, both me and Kagome suspected as much.

Hanyo of Snow (Inuyasha harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now