Camp Approval

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It was early in the morning. The guys were getting out of their cabin so they could get breakfast. But they noticed that Oodle, Computer, Crayon Box, Paint Palette, BK, and Airy are right in front of their cabin.

4: Good morning to you guys too.

MePhone4: What's going on?

Controlly: Did we do something wrong?

Oodle: Don't worry you didn't do anything wrong.

Burger King: Unless you did something to not get our approval.

Gamey: Approval. Approval of what?

Paint Palette: You guys are new campers. As you know.

Computer: And usually when it comes to new campers, you guys are considered as camp babies.

Crayon Box: But in order not to be declared that, you need to be approved by us.

MePhone4: Is this something the scoutmaster told you guys to do?

Airy: No. This is just something we do every time there's a new camper.

Paint Palette: And to get us away from all the weird and obnoxious campers.

Chocolate Bar: Alright we're here.

Gold Ingot: Can we get this over with?

Burger King: Finally you assholes are here.

Oodle: So everyone is ready to say who they approved.

Burger King: Well me and Airy approved the fatass. He showed true motivation when he was with me.

Airy: We still need the other three though.

Oodle: Ok. Ok. Uhhh girls.

Paint Palette: We approve MePhone. He's actually a gentleman!

Crayon Box: Unlike you guys. But yeah we still need the other three.

Oodle: Ok. Chocolate Bar and Gold-

Chocolate Bar: We approve all four of them. 4 We Need You Quickly!

4: What?

Gold Ingot: Come On!

*He grabs 4 by the hand and they all leave.*

Controlly: Why were they approved?

Computer: They unfortunately tricked us into letting them join so Wand can get more info on us.

Crayon Box: We can't kick them out otherwise they'll have Wand do something to embarrass us.

Oodle: Well me and Computer haven't approved anyone yet so you guys have until Scoutmaster fully welcomes you guys. So I guess me and Computer will take MePhone. Guys.

Paint Palette: What do you think CB?

Crayon Box: Hmmm. Let's choose Gamey.

Burger King: Fine I'll guess we'll have the gamer squire.

Controlly: What?

Oodle: Alright split up!

Paint Palette: Hey Gamey. Do you enjoy boba tea?

Gamey: Never tried it.

Crayon Box: What? Come on, we got some talking to do then.

*The three of them left.*

Airy: So do you know any horror games?

Controlly: I have a couple in mind.

Burger King: Woo! Let's Go Play Then!

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