Hall Monitor Controlly

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The campers were in session going through another boring lecture. Some of them were getting bored and some fell asleep. But Controlly was so asleep that he started to snore very loudly.

Announcer: Controlly! Wake up!

Controlly: Huh? Uhhh the answer is 24!!!

*Everyone started to laugh at him.*

Gamey: We're not doing that kind of session dude.

Announcer: Controlly. Stay awake. This is important.

Controlly: Sorry scoutmaster.

Announcer: Good. Now to show a video.

*He pulls up a video for all the campers to watch. The video started to play.*

Video: We start off with being a nobody. Someone who is not recognized as much. Someone who has no talent. Someone who doesn't play a role in the community. Someone who is not unique enough to be a somebody. Whoever is watching this is a nobody.

*That part hit hard for Controlly and was making him question what he was doing with his life.*

Video: But you will be a somebody soon when you become a host. Could be a host of a cooking show. A talent show. Maybe even a host of a reality TV show.

*Hours later, they were in the cafeteria. Controlly was still thinking of what that video said.*

4: Ummm. Dude. You alright.

Controlly: I'm A Nobody!!

MePhone4: What are you talking about?

Controlly: That video. It made me realize that I've been wasting 10 years of my life!! All I have done is played video games at home! I Haven't Done Anything Else!

Gamey: Controlly. That was just the video building up to the lesson. It doesn't mean anything.

Controlly: But look around. You and MePhone are lab rats. 4 is an alien! Oodle is the Scoutmaster's right hand man. Paint Palette is the guidance counselor. Even BK has a role of being the ruler here! Everyone has something to make them somebody! I have nothing!

Gamey: Don't say that man. You're not a nobody.

Controlly: I appreciate you trying to comfort me, but that's not gonna work! I need to find something to do to make me a somebody. But what?

Wii U: Hey! No Littering!! Pick That Up!

*The kid picked up their trash.*

Wii U: No Running In The Cafeteria! Hey Hey Hey! No Cutting In Line!

Controlly: That's It! That's What I Want To Do!

MePhone4: Be a hall monitor?

Controlly: Yeah. People give you respect if you are one. And they're known as a somebody!

Gamey: I don't know. Hall monitor is a tough job to do.

4: Yeah and you're not really the type that would be one.

Controlly: I don't care! I'm gonna go to the scoutmaster and become a hall monitor!

*Controlly leaves.*

Gamey: This isn't gonna end well.

*Later on in the scoutmasters cabin.*

Wii U: You wanted to see me sir.

Announcer: Wii U. Controlly has an interest in being a hall monitor. I suggest you show him the ways of being one. Now go on. I have some important paperwork to do.

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