"i'd cut off the bitches balls"

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walking with your best friend to her car is not all glamorous when they happens to be spray paint and shit all over it saying she's a lesbian and needs to "keep sexual attractions" in private.

Everyone thought that Daisy and I are lesbians because we are practically connected at the hip to each other. 

its not like shes a total lesbian, she bisexual. there is a difference. 

I was outraged, I bet it was some skank and her hoe followers who wrecked her pink Volkswagen beetle. 

damn, I actually liked that car. 

Once Diasy's eyes locked on her car, she stopped right on the spot. 

her plump red glossed lips trembling before she put on her brave face and turned to me.

"I think some bitch is going to get a little surprise tomorrow," she told me, a wicked gleam in her eyes.

that cant be good.

"Are you ok D" I asked her, I knew she was trying not to show she was upset, but if that were my car, i'd cut off the bitches balls.

"im good girly, just go catch a ride wit the guys".

its a waste to argue, she can be so stubborn. 

I nodded and went to look for where one of the guys.


he tasted sweet.  like strawberries, cotton candy, and just him.

my fists knotted in his hair, rough hands rubbing my sides, just itching to get my bra off.

a trail of burning kisses were lead from my jaw to my neck. 

My heart was beating so fast, I was sure he could hear it.

ok, I need to stop this right now before something I will regret happens.

I moaned softly before I pushed on  his chest to give us some space. 

"what's wrong kitten"? he asked quietly, but I could definitely hear the irritation in his voice.

great, now he's going to make me feel bad for something, something we shouldn't even be doing.

"nothing, I just forgot-" I started before his lips were trapped on my, again.

fuck, I need a bottle to spray him with.

then music started blasting from somewhere....

"Ooh! Looks like another club banger.

They better hang on.

When I throw this thang on.

Get a little drink on. They goin' flip.

For this Akon shit. You can bank on it.

Pedicure, manicure, kitty cat claws.

The way she climbs up and down them poles.

Lookin' like one of them Pretty Cat Dolls.

Tryna hold my woody back through my drawers.

Steps off stage, didn't think I saw her.

Creeps up behind me and she's like, you're -

I'm like, yeah I know, let's cut to the chase.

No time to waste. Back to my place.

Plus from the club to the crib's like a mile away.

Or more like a palace, shall I say.

And plus I got a pal. Every gal is game.

In fact he's the one singing the song that's playing!"

 An Eminem song going off means only lone thing, I was getting interrupted.....

Damn, if its the joke he calls a girlfriend I swear, I might punch her in the tit

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