Chapter 17 - Time in a bottle

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After a night of awkward drama and nonsense, Donnie became the family's first hermit by initiating the lock interface to his room. 

"Shelldon, tell my family I will miss them and their everyday nonsense," the purple turtle dove head first into his plush purple bed while Shelldon worriedly hovered by his father's shoulder.

"What happened PapaTello?" 

Donnie smirked sadly at the affectionate name from his drone child, "Shelldon, I bungled my shot with an angel. How could I not have seen that love, an action of hormones and neurons firing at alarming rates in my ceberum would cause me pain, anguish, and ugh- embarrassment."


"Yes, my dear boy. The scientific term losers call brain." Shelldon made a metallic clink as his head pitifully tilted to the side.

"Owhh.... you mean cerebrum..."

Donatello gasped and slumped off his bed, "GASPING! Hath I knew how love would thwart mine soul, Iove I would have not partaken in." The little drone groaned silently, knowing the drama that would ensue for the heartbroken turtle.

"Shelldon, I am going to lock myself in here for the rest of my days. Until I become as old as dad and just cry over my stupid obsession of me actually being able to fall in love." There he goes. Spiraling himself over his first love failure. Dianne ran out of the lair to who knows where after Casey Jr's reveal of her future. 

Dreaming of the future is fun but when it is served to you on a silver platter for all to see... you'd wish to unsee it immediately. Casey Jr and the other girls ran after Dianne, which left Draxum, Splinter, and the boys to deal with their new dilemma. Just as Draxum tried to spew his first question of many, Donnie had already sought shelter in his gloomy room. 

Reaching over his shoulder, the thunk coming from the battle shell hitting the ground literally caused the weight to be lifted off Donnie's shoulders. "Initiate Lockdown Protocol 17. I shall not be disturbed in my moment of hurt. Further processing this embarrassment shall cause my total demise. I should have known not to over think and over-assess these situations."

The purple droid hummed sadly, "It wasn't your fault papa. You were just looking out for Dianne."

The mention of her name made Donatello's heart twist painfully. The moment she left the lair, he knew he messed up big time. "Casey warned us about telling others about the future. I should have kept my mouth shut from the start but her infernal beauty and wit snared me like a spider's web. Except I fell for the beauty of a goddess and made a fool of myself."

With that, he ushered Shelldon out of his door, having his room and lonesome all to himself.


The rooftops provided the most perfect view of the dazzling city of New York. Dianne found herself almost lost in its twinkling lights; the keyword being almost. Whatever revelation Donatello had oh so gracefully laid out for the whole Hamato jim-bang to see was just too much for the Silver Knight to handle. Don't get her wrong, Dianne didn't mind that the tech genius cared for her well-being, but this whole 'Donnie is your future husband thing' is really confusing.

She hoped the lights could've provided her the solace and distraction that she so desperately needed but Casey Junior had been skillful enough to follow Dianne up to the city's rooftops. Hearing his footsteps scrambling up the ladder, she sighed harshly. 

"What's with you?"

Casey huffed as he pulled himself up on the last step, "Wh-what?" he tiredly panted. Dianne sympathetically watches the kid collect himself and as she did so, took in his features. Dianne has only met him about once or twice, not really sitting down to talk with him. Casey Jr had dark, flowy shoulder-length hair, sharp features, and a lean and athletic body shape. Almost as if he'd been trained by the turtles themselves. "WOW, you- you travel fast!" he said appreciatively. 

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