Chapter One

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Quackity opened his phone frowning at his notification bar. The group chat will already know of his failure; he's sure of it. George is a little snitch.

George: Satan's back at it again

Foolish: who's stataun?

Karl: who added this bozo?

Sapnap: you?

Karl: lmao true :P

Dream: what's he done this time?

Corpse: humiliate Q?


Punz: yep

George: HAHAHA

Tina: What's happened to Q?

Quackity stared grimly at his phone. This guy had fucked with him for over three years. Quackity turned down Wilbur's invite to be friends on the first day of school, reason: Wilbur is British. Wilbur then told him he would regret it. He does. It was the second period, after English it would be Lunch, the only thing he currently enjoyed at school.

Foolish: What do we have next?

Tina: You have English

Foolish: Where?

Punz: A1

Tina: A1

Foolish: Thanks

Dream: 2 Years and you still aren't familiar with your classes? Seriously?

George: What do I have next?

Dream: Biology with me <3

George: Thx

Karl: Sap are we meeting at our spot? I don't wanna walk alone :P

Corpse: I'll walk with you

Karl: Is your name sap?

Corpse: No...

Karl: I'm kidding. Hurry up, it's cold out today. D:

Quackity walked through the halls glumly, dodging everything in his path with pace. "Loser!" An accented voice yelled from behind him. 'Great this dick', Quackity thought. "Heard you lost to my brother AGAIN" Tommy squealed in delight. 'Drama travels fast in this school'. Quackity rolled his eyes. "Don't worry I'll beat him to pulp in today's spelling bee. Quackity had been getting ready for this all week. The teacher had to make a separate test just for him and Wilbur as they both complained the last one was too easy. "Sureeee you will, Well Good Luck" Tommy dragged his words as he peeled from Q's side walking towards the cafeteria. Second and First year's get lunch before Fourth year's. Quackity stopped outside the door, confidence seeping through his veins. "Easy Dub" He whispered to himself.

He chewed nervously on the end of his pencil as he scrawled the answers quickly in his messy handwriting. He was determined to finish before Wilbur. A loud blaring noise erupted from the hundred year old speakers, interrupting Quackity's thoughts, "Alex Quackity and Wilbur Soot to the Administrator's office now" The message repeated twice before it sank into Quackity's brain.

Quackity opened his phone as he walked to the office sweat pooling on his forehead.

Punz: Lmao hope you bitches get suspended

Karl: Heyy don't say that! Goodluck Q!

Sapnap: I'm with punz

Quackity: SHutup

Tina: You'll be fine, Quackity!

"I hope you're right Tina" Quackity Groaned as he pocketed his phone, stepping into the Administrator's office.

Wilbur was already seated in the office. 'How did he get here before me?' Quackity thought. "Hey Baby," Wilbur whispered in a mocking voice. "Don't call me that or I'll fucking slap you" Quackity spat. "Don't threaten me with a good time" Wilbur moaned with a wink and a smirk. Quackity made a gagging sound. "Quackity and Wilbur, Mr P will see you now" The secretary said solemnly from behind her desk. The two boys took a seat in the principal's office. Quackity picked at his nails nervously. Two rather large files sat before them on Mr P's extremely clean desk. "Hello Boy's" Mr P grinned. "Hello Sir" Quackity replied with a smile. "Hi Dad," Wilbur responded. "Now I won't make this long, I hear you too are in a very intense spelling competition right now" Quackity nodded in response. "I was given the opportunity to pick two students to represent our country in a worldwide education competition which is taking place in London in one month. After assessing multiple student's files, I decided on you two" Quackity sat in shock. He balled his hands into fists, pressing his nails into his palms. "Quackity, I've talked to your parents and they are ecstatic. The trip is fully funded by the Government and you will be provided with credit card's for food and other necessities". Quackity had gone fully red now, his head spun. "The two of you will compete in four different competitions. The country with the most points at the end of the competition will receive a large sum of money towards the upkeep of the school and a horrifically large trophy with yours and the school's name on it" Mr P explained with a massive smile. "The subjects are Math, English, General Science and Social Science", "Social science?" Wilbur asked, confusion spread across his face. Quackity had forgotten Wilbur was there all together. "It will judge your knowledge on large historic events, Geography, Culture and other subjects under that umbrella" Mr P replied. "Thank You so much for this opportunity Mr Philza Sir" Quackity beamed. "Mr Philza sir" Wilbur mocked underneath his breath. "I must remind you, you have to work as a team. So, this silly frenemies thing going on has to stop" Philza said sternly. "Cool, Thanks dad! Can I go back to trashing him in Spelling now?" Wilbur asked unamused. "I'm serious Will!" Philza groaned. "Yep," Wilbur called halfway out the door. "Have a good day Quackity, If you have any questions feel free to come talk to me, You will receive an email with all the details but I have a pamphlet for you anyway" Philza indicated to the pamphlet on the table by the door. "Bye Sir! Thankyou" Quackity spoke as he walked to the door. "Oh and Quackity!" Philza called after him. "Yes?" "Please whip him into shape." Quackity laughed. "Will do!"

Quackity took a photo of the pamphlet as he wandered back to class, he attached it to an explanation of what the call to the principal's office was about.

Foolish: OMG!




Corpse: wow


Punz: Does this mean you'll have to go WITH Wilbur to London and TEAM up with him for 6 weeks!?

Shit, Quackity had not thought of that. 'This is going to be a fucking nightmare, Time to call a truce' Quackity thought to himself as he entered his English class.

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