- Pilot -

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The people pleaser likes to avoid conflict at all costs, they will change their entire personality to gain validation from others to feel good about themselves.

The control freak is every girl's worse nightmare, they start off as charming men until a switch flips and now they tell you who you can't go out with or what you can wear.

The lover boy is also known as the playboy who claims that you are the only one they want meanwhile they are talking to various women behind your back.

The manipulator always finds a way to persuade you into doing what they want and tend to play the victim when you call them out.

These are a few categories of men that Ennessey Brown has dealt with and learned to avoid. She is currently dealing with her on-again / off-again boyfriend, Liam who she has found as a security blanket. But he is just as bad as the categories above, in the words of her best friend, he is a....

Bare minimum ass nigga, a guy who vaguely listens to you speak, goes on dates that you planned out together but makes no effort into making you feel special or express their love in any meaningful way.

On the other side of the spectrum, Saige Hartz is the complete opposite when it comes to women he wants to pursue. He makes it known of what his intentions are, he is passionate and will always make you feel appreciated. He is a real man who knows how to apply PRESSURE.


I hope you guys will enjoy this story. I have been writing it nonstop and love the direction it is going. As I say in all of my stories, I will not tolerate any disrespect to my storyline or to my writing style. I am continuously learning what I like and how I choose to write it. Please leave feedback, I love reading comments and laughing with you all.

Without further notice, please enjoy the ride!


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