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— Ennessey     Brown —

Church had just ended and my auntie was taking forever and a day. My stomach was ready to eat and she wanna stay past service.

"I never asked if your a religious person, sorry about that" I said to Saige as we stayed seated in the back waiting for my family.

"No you're fine, I never know when to bring up religion in a conversation"

"Oh I understand. Well thank you for coming, it means a lot to my grandma when we all attend Sunday service"

"Yeah no problem" once I saw my mom walking to leave, we finally stood up to follow.

"Ennessey" I turned around to see a few people I haven't seen in awhile.

"Maple" I said smiling as she brought me into a hug. She was a friend of my biological dad but we got out of touch years ago.

"Wow look at you" she smiled leaning back to take me in.

"Look at you" I exclaimed. For her to be in her 60s, she didn't look a day over 25. She waved me off.

"Don't be boosting my head Chile" I let out a laugh. "Please tell your in town for awhile"

"Unfortunately no, I came down for my grandmothers birthday this weekend" she frowned.

"Where you staying na?"

"Up in Arizona"

"Wow you doing it big I see, I know your father is proud of you"

"I hope he is, I need to visit him soon" she rubbed my shoulder supportively.

"So I heard from the grapevine that you do interior design?" I nodded glad that the subject changed.

"Yes I do" I dug in my bag passing my business cards to her. "You know some people who are interested?"

"Oh honey myself, we definitely need to hook up to discuss some of the big projects I want done to my house"

"Sounds good, it was so good to see you again"

"I'm glad we crossed paths. Here lemme give you my new number. We should stay in touch"

"Yes ma'am" she dug in her bag for a pen and crumbled receipt paper scribbling her number on it.

"Let's catch up soon, okay" I nodded with a smile. She gave me another hug before walking back in the direction of the pastor. Seeing her made me miss my dad, I really need to visit him soon. The ride back to the house was fairly short. Me and Saige caught a ride with Deon which took us no time to get back since he drives almost 15 over the speed limit.

❀ ❀ ❀

I was trying to help them prepare for lunch but I kept getting my hands smacked for doing something wrong. I kept stirring the pot full of rice like my grams instructed as I kept to myself.

"Cece come help me set the table" my grams said. I took the spoon out of the rice and turned the heat down before following her.

"I just wanted to have a conversation with you" I nodded taking the plates.

"Sure, what about?"

"Your boyfriend, Saige. He seems like a nice young man. Does he treat you well?" I nodded with a smile.

"Yes he does."

"He talks very sweetly of you, I can tell he adores you"

"You think so" she started smiling.

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