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How could I be so stupid?

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How could I be so stupid?

The moment I break down to give him everything— my mind, body and soul, I learn of a fiancé. Did I ignore the signs? My heart was open to let him in and finally give us a chance but of course some shit pops up.

For the remainder of the trip, I kept my distance away from him. I wasn't ready to have the discussion about her— how happy he looked with her. So I kept my distance away to avoid ruining the trip for everyone else.

"I'm back" I peeked over the couch seeing Solani kicking her crocs off and walking towards me with the big bottle of wine.

"I told you I wanted to be alone" I pouted.

"Absolutely not, I won't let you continue to sit on the couch in your feelings" she popped the cork than filled both the glasses half way. I reluctantly grabbed the glass drowning the whole thing. She eyed me suspiciously as she poured some more.

"You okay?"

"I mean besides falling for someone who is possibly unavailable and has everything I'm looking for in a man than yeah" I shrugged as I sipped from my glass. She took a seat next to me and put her arms out.

"Come to mama" I smiled slightly as I leaned over into her hug. "Why didn't you talk to him?"

"Solani it's more than just that. Not once did he bring up having a fiancé in the many talks we had"—I tucked a few loose strands behind my ear— "I even had sex with him, I was ready to be with him fully committed"

"He never brought up past relationships?" I shook my head.

"He's a closed book about many things that are personal, why wouldn't he tell me something like this" I fiddled with my fingers as she rubbed my shoulder.

"I don't think he would be with you if he had a fiancé waiting at home"

"Niggas do it all the time, hell half of them be married"

"But if he was in a relationship, would he let Cartier post those pictures of y'all everywhere?" I proceeded to speak but I had nothing to say. She did have a point. Not once was he ashamed about anyone finding out about me.

"It still doesn't make sense Lani, it's obvious that girl was and probably still is in his life. He proposed to her"

"Talk to him"

"I just need time before I face him"

"Completely understandable, but eventually you will have to see him" I sighed forgetting that I work in the same building as him.

"Why do you always have to be right" I muttered causing her to laugh.

"One of us have to be rational" I sucked my teeth as she chuckled.

"Let's get your mind on something else, like modeling" I glanced up at her as she had a sleazy grin on her face.

"Unt unt whatever you thinking, no"

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