A new beginning

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I woke up to my mother screaming for me to get up early in the morning to get ready for the yearly CAT MTV music award. And when I say early in the morning I mean four in the afternoon, I got up and when into my shower where i began my morning licking sequence 13 on the legs 9 on the arms 4 on the neck and 6 on the balls, gotta keep it tidy. I went downstairs and ate some cheap beef from the local cat market. My mother was desperately getting her things together to prepare for the event tonight, after about 4 hours of preparing and scheduling which led me to 8:14 PM i decided to start getting ready. I put on a tight suit that defined my ever so perfectly groomed hair and soft eyeliner under my eye to enhance my light green eyes that shine like a quiet Canadian lake. I checked the time, 9:30 PM, shit I'm late I clawed at my cologne for a quick spritz.


10:00 PM. The event has started. I make my way inside...

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