13) Fire Care

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*Pat's pov*

I eyed the dragon riders carefully as I walked behind them. Allumos careful carried Bryan on his back as Viper was right behind me. He growled a bit and I glared at him and he huffed shutting up.

I didn't fully trust them but Bryan was in need of care and quickly. The paths were a bit difficult for Allumos to get through but he managed as finally we got to a village and we were shown over to a lava pool. I sighed as I stepped forward and looked at the lava then walked back over to Allumos who laid down.

"Do you need help?" Hiccup asked and I glared at him

"You keep with your dragons I'm staying with mine, I do not trust you and I'm not quick to trust." I said as I looked at Bryan as Viper got onto two legs and picked up Bryan setting him down on the ground.

"Hey Bryan how are doing bud?" I asked as I placed my hand on his snout.

"Tired, I just want to be warm..." Bryan said as he looked like he wanted to cry.

"It's ok there's lava over here just try going into it and see if that makes things better." I said as Viper huffed

"If you don't go in I'm tossing you in." Viper hissed before Allumos slightly whacked him with his wing.

"Viper be nice to the lad." Allumos huffed as Bryan managed to get up and with some help we got him over to the lava as he put his snout in and blew bubbles before he moved sliding in and completely went into the lava submerging himself in it.

"And now we wait to see if it works" Allumos said as he moved and then laid down so the dragon riders and civilians were all in sight.

The dragon riders and Mala were all talking to each other and I sighed as I looked at Mitch who was glaring so I hit the side of his leg getting his attention.

"Stop it. We'll be fine." I said and Mitch huffed before moving and curled up close by.

I looked over at the lava pool and I smiled seeing Bryan's little snout poking out of the lava so he could breath while the rest of him is submerged. Allumos looked at where I was looking then gave a sort of chuckle.

"Amusing" Allumos said as he reached over and poked Bryan's snout making Bryan pop his head above lava.

"I will jump at you old man" Bryan said with a bit more life as his scales seemed to almost glow in the lava.

"I'd like to see you try." Allumos remarked as I would have continued to listen to them but I felt eyes and I turned around seeing the riders and Mala

"Ok, I know we got off with a wrong start but we would really like to ask some questions and not be enemies with you." Hiccup said

I sighed looking at them as I went over to a rock and leaned on it looking at them. "Alright? Just so you know I trust no one around here. Just myself and by buddies" I said as Bryan made bubbles in the lava.

"We can understand that. However being alone is not the greatest idea especially around these waters" Mala said and I looked at Allumos then at them

"I'll consider being friendly with you all if I get to ask questions as well." I said and Hiccup agreed.

I got to ask questions first and I found out a lot. Different dragons the isle's and roles people have around. I'm apparently in a more viking like age. I don't know what to tell them as far as where I'm from and unfortunately the first question they asked was where am I from. Well... I geuss the land where humans and dragons get along but also sometimes fight because of options. This seemed to surprise them a bit.

"There's such a place out there?" Fishlegs asked super interested in this

"Ya, sometimes the dragons acted like teachers. It's why I can speak to these guys." I said as Toothless looked at me and gave a roar

"I can't understand you because your not one of the dragons that I lived around." I said and Toothless huffed

"That's so amazing wait so that means when you asked umm Bryan right?" Fishlegs asked pointing at Bryan

"Yes Bryan" I said

"Right, when you spoke to him and he spoke back you could understand." He said writing this down.

"Ya unfortunately my group was separated. I have three here but umm... Let's see... Bryan, Allumos, Viper, we're missing Colin and Mario" I mentioned and Bryan moved coming out of the lava with vibrant red scales

"And Davis. He's new but he originally saved me from the ice and moved me to a different Island" Bryan huffed

"Right and Davis so in total I travel with 6 dragons" I said

"That is a lot" Tuffnut pointed out.

"I mean I have a question are all of them this big?" Astrid asked pointing at Allumos and Allumos laughed

"No, he's only that size because he's over 400 years old the others will be closer to Vipers size." I said as Viper came over and looked at them and muttered a "I don't trust them" to me and I looked at him

"I know but we need allies. We don't know this place as well as they do so getting on a good side is better for us." I whispered back and Viper huffed and moved away.

"Alright I'm not feeling up for more questions but I will ask this. If I help you, will you assist me in finding my friends?" I asked them and they looked at each other

"I mean sure we can use some help around these areas but know it's dangerous." Hiccup said and others nodded

"I understand. I just want an ally in these unfamiliar waters." I said as I got up and got closer to Hiccup

"Alright then by chance you don't mind staying with us at dragons edge?" Hiccup asked

"I do not. So allies?" I held out my hand and Hiccup looked at it then took it and I shook

"I look forward to the adventures with you guys" Hiccup said with a smile

"Can I study your dragons?!" Fishlegs called out

"If they'll let you close to them"

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