3) waking Slayers #2

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*Mitch's pov*

I coughed as I stood up. I had crashed into some rocks on my fall of absolute pain. I groaned only to hear a soft roar.

I opened my eyes and looked at myself only to find myself looking a a deep purple snout and some light maybe more lavender purple shades on me, more specifically on my feet. It like faded from lavender to deep purple going up from the claws.

I looked at myself further and found my chest scales to be black like obsidian and it even shined slightly. That's when it all kicked in for me.

I roars a bit started by this as I looked at the water and found myself as a dragon. I blinked and then looked at a rock and took a deep breath and shot out a sploch of green which immediately started to sizzle. Reminded me of my poison.

So I'm somehow a dragon, a poison dragon which I'm happy about, however this is still very strange to me.

I heard a song and felt drawn to it but then red flags flared in my mind and I hissed as I stepped back. Oh ya I forgot to mention I'm very slim, like a snake which suits me.

I spread my wings as if I knew how to fly and I took off. I was off balance for a while, but as I flew more I got better at flying. I wonder how the others are doing with all this. As shocking as it is staying shocked about it will mean absolutely nothing because it's not going to give me answers.

I sighed as I flew. Let's just hope that I find someone anyone. Also I'm also of a pretty big size which I like. I inhaled as my senses grew stronger.

Let's fine everyone else.

*Mario's pov*

I looked over and the Black dragon before me. I had woke up a long while ago and I realized I was a dragon. Shades of Brown covered me going from the lightest shade at my feet and then the darkest brown is on my back. My tail had had a small spiked ball at the end which actually I found made it easier to crush rocks with which I could still eat. Nice.

I heard a a groan or soft whimmer and I looked at who I'm assuming is Colin judging from his shadow black scales and dark grey chest scales. In his tail there was some kind of flaps like looking at surf boards or something.

"Ouch." Colin said and he got up and looked at me and then backed up startled then looked at himself and freaked out more.

"Colin calm down." I said and he looked at me.

"Calm down? Calm down I'm a fricken dragon!" Colin yelled. It sounded like a bunch of roaring, but I understand him perfectly.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked and Colin looked at me.

"Umm... Mario?" I asked

"Correct." I said and he blinked at me.

"Wait your a dragon as well." He asked

"Ya more specifically a earth dragon. I bet your a shadow dragon." I said and Colin looked at himself.

"I mean." I said and then held up his hand and shadows moved.

"Ya. I've still got control over the shadows." Colin said

"Good. First things first we figure out what kind of place we ended up in and then go from there." I said

"I still don't know how your so calm about this." Colin said.

"I'm not, but I'd rather stay on track then freak out." I said

"....fair." Colin said and he followed me. He slipped as he tried getting his footing correct.

I sighed as I felt the dirt and then looked around. There isn't anyone around that I can recognize. Maybe smaller creatures and... Other dragons? I'll figure that out later.

"Seems likes like no one that I can recognize is around here or even for a long distance." I said

"Wait how can you tell?" Colin asked

"I'm an earth dragonslayer. What do you think?" I said and Colin gave what I'm assuming is the "oh." Face but in a dragon expression which was hilarious.

"Come on let's get out of this sea cave." I said as I spread my chocolate brown wings and jumped up a bit and then took off into the air.

It was almost like I naturally knew how to do this. Colin followed behind me but then came up close.

"So any idea on why there's a hight different between you and me?" Colin asked and when I looked at him he was right. I was a bigger then him.

"Hmm...how old are you?" I asked

"Umm 19 why?" Colin asked

"I'm 21. Age is probably why we are different sizes." I said looking forward.

"Oh... wonder how big Bryan is since he's 17." Colin asked

"Well we'll find out when we find them, but I have a feeling that's not going to be easy." I said looking at the vast sea before us.

I saw a boat with a single person in it and they were staring at us in awe but I didn't pay much attention to the one bearded man with strange clothes. Looks like some kind of trader you know those that come in from different islands to make trades of the goods they have. Ya that's what that person reminds me of.

I'm making sure Colin stays close not because I don't want us to get separated, well I don't want to getting separated regardless, but it was more the urge to make sure he's going to be ok that hit me.

I sighed as we flew I hope that we get to see someone soon, because as cool as this view is I find it hard to enjoy anything without the worry of my friends on my mind.

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