caught (requested)

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"Why do you both look so tired today? Didn't you get some sleep last night?" Yuqi asked as she noticed how tired you and Soyeon both looked.

Your head rested on Soyeon's shoulder.

You had one of her cozy hoodies on and your eyes were heavy, almost closing as you sat there in your seat in the restaurant with her and the girls.

Soyeon was also struggling to keep her heavy eyes open as she read over the menu in front of her.

But as the words left Yuqi's lips, you and Soyeon turned to look at each other before raising your eyebrows at one another.

"Just had a long night," Soyeon said as she put her arm around you.

"Clearly." Minnie chuckled as she took a sip of her drink.

You looked over the menu with Soyeon, eventually deciding on what you wanted.

When the waiter came around, you all ordered what you wanted, and after he left you buried your face in Soyeon's sweater as your eyes grew heavy once more.

"So what have you two been up to the last couple of days? Since we've finally had some time off." Soojin said.

"Has Soyeon actually taken a break, Y/N? Or did she spend all her free time writing?" Miyeon wondered, making the girls chuckle and Soyeon roll her eyes.

"Well, she relaxed a little and still wrote some songs. You know her - she never rests."

"True," Yuqi said.

"Okay, so what did you two do when you actually did relax together? Anything fun?"

Soyeon took a drink to hold back the smirk pulling at her lips.

"Uh, well, we just watched some movies and cuddled."

"That sounds fun," Shuhua said and you nodded in agreement.

As you all chatted together, you became more comfortable and the thoughts of last night slipped from your mind a bit.

So when you became hot, you didn't think twice about taking off Soyeon's hoodie that you had on.

And since you were both so occupied and so caught up in conversation, Soyeon didn't either.

You pulled it off of your body and tied it around your waist before laying your head back down on Soyeon's shoulder.

Minnie was the first to notice what you had been trying to hide.

You put your head back a little, just to crack your neck as it ached slightly, and upon doing so your marked skin was exposed for anyone and everyone to see.

Minnie couldn't help but giggle when she saw your hickeys and at first, you and Soyeon just frowned as she looked at you and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Soyeon wondered as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Oh, you know, just the fact that your girl's neck is covered in hickeys."

"Wait, what?" Yuqi gasped and looked at your neck, eyes going wide when she saw the marks on your skin.

"So you lied? You didn't just watch movies and cuddle. Clearly, you had fun doing other things." Miyeon teased and your cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

Soyeon untied her hoodie from around your waist and helped you put it back on.

But it was too late.

Your intimate moments had been exposed, you'd been caught.

"Soyeon, that was a lot of hickeys," Soojin smirked.

"You two had a lot of fun, huh?" Yuqi giggled.

"Alright, alright, that's enough. You're embarrassing her." Soyeon said as she pulled you into her arms as you dropped your forehead on the table. "But you're not wrong."

"Soyeon!" You elbowed her, making her laugh happily. "Oh, keep laughing. I'll get my revenge tonight. It'll be perfect considering we're going to see my parents tomorrow." You said as you grabbed your drink, hiding your proud grin as you sipped on it.

Her eyes went wide as the girls burst into laughter.

And all you could do was smirk because you knew, deep down, that she was looking forward to tonight just as much as you were.

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