sensitive (requested)

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"Good morning, angel." You smiled as you watched Soyeon open her eyes.

You brushed your fingers through her hair as she cracked a smile and her heart fluttered.

"Good morning." She said.

You kissed her forehead softly as she cuddled up to you.

Her lack of sleep was catching up to her already and even though that's a feeling she's used to because she's always so busy, it was for a different reason this time.

It's a little after nine am and she's working on about four hours of sleep.

You two were up late last night, spending every second completely caught up in each other.

Her nude body stayed close to yours during those intimate moments together as you shared passionate and romantic kisses.

Your hands stayed intertwined with hers for the most part but your fingertips also traveled across her bare skin, making shivers run down her spine and soft sighs leave her lips.

Your night of intimacy was much needed.

It was romantic, soft, and just so perfect.

Soyeon hasn't left your embrace since coming down from the cloud she'd been on and drifting off to sleep.

So she didn't expect to be greeted with pain as she moved around on the bed.

A wince left her lips, causing you to frown.

"Are you okay, baby?" You worriedly asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." She smiled.

You kissed her lips a few times before getting up to go and brush her teeth.

She wanted to follow you so she could brush her teeth as well and take a warm bath.

But as she got up from the bed, she realized how sensitive she was from the night of intimacy and her body ached.

"Ouch." She mumbled.

You stepped out of the bathroom upon hearing her say that.

"Soyeon? Baby, are you sure you're alright?"

She lowered her head as her cheeks heated up from her shyness.

"Yeah, fine." She said as she tried to hide her discomfort.

But as she took a few more steps, she nearly fell onto the floor.

You hurried over to her to catch her just in time before she fell against the floor on her knees.

"Are you dizzy?"

"No." She said.

"No? Then what's the matter?" You worriedly asked.

"I..." She paused as she gazed at you shyly. "I'm kinda sensitive."

You raised your eyebrows as you stared at her.

"As in?"

"From last night..." She quietly spoke.

"Oh," You said as you caught on. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Can I do anything to help?"

"I want to take a bath but I don't know if I can get there."

"I'll help you." You assured before kissing her head. "Come on."

She thought you'd help her stand up and walk slowly and carefully to the bathroom.

But, instead, you lifted her into your arms and carried her into the bathroom.

She laughed as soon as she was in your arms, her brown eyes lighting up and sparkling happily.

"It's like I'm floating on a cloud." She grinned.

You chuckled and kissed her lips softly as you gently sat her down on the closed toilet lid.

You helped her out of the shirt she had on, taking the chance to pepper kisses across her skin and tell her how beautiful she is as it hit the floor.

Making your way to the tub, you turned the hot water on and then the cool and ran your fingers under it to find the perfect combination before pulling the plug so it would fill up.

You held onto Soyeon as you played with her hair as the bathtub filled up.

"Okay, ready? I'll help you." You said.

"Yeah." She smiled and stood up with your help.

You helped her to the bathtub and she stepped inside before sighing contentedly as the warm water washed over her skin.

"Get in with me?" She asked as she held your hand and stared into your eyes with a hopeful look.

"How could I ever say no to you?" You happily asked before getting into the water.

She had you sit in front of her so she could wrap her arms around you and kiss your skin a little too.

"Even though I'm a little sensitive, I had the best time with you last night, darling." She said as she kissed the back of your neck.

"Me too." You spoke. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She said as she held onto you happily, cherishing these moments with you.

Soyeon Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now