she sees your tongue ring (requested)

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"Oh, Soyeon, baby." You called out and right away, she was hurrying down the stairs and into the living room where you stood.

"Hey, darling." She smiled. "Where have you been? I thought we were going to spend my day off together."

"Oh, we are. It's still early. But I have a surprise for you." You said as you took her hand and started to lead her up the stairs again.

She saw the smirk on your lips and she didn't know what it was for, though she was very intrigued.

"I was out getting a new piercing today."

"You were. What kind of piercing?" She asked as she looked at the obvious places, such as your ears, your nose, and your eyebrows.

But she didn't see anything in those places, at least nothing new.

"You want to see?"

She nodded as you sat down on the edge of the bed.

And suddenly, you parted your lips and stuck out your tongue, letting her see your tongue ring.

"Whoa..." She said breathlessly. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really." You said.

"Well, baby, it's very unexpected." She said before she began to smirk. "But, damn, it is hot."

"Yeah? You like it?" You asked before she pushed you onto the bed and put her lips on yours.

"Very much, baby. I love it." She said as she kissed you passionately. "How long until I can play with it?"

"Soon, baby. Once it heals up a little." You said.

"Can I see it again?"

You nodded and stuck your tongue out once more and a moan left Soyeon's lips when she saw it.

"That's hot." She said before she began to kiss your neck. "Just when I think you can't get sexier, you get a tongue ring. Damn, baby,"

You giggled and kissed her lips as she pulled you back in for another kiss.

"It's going to be fun to play with." She smirked. "I just know it's going to become my new obsession."

"I'm glad I got it done then. Because I like where this is heading." You smirked.

"Me too, darling. I'm just counting down the days until I can play with it." She said as she kissed the corners of your lips. "It's going to be fun."

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