Chapter 46

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I stand in the airport, turning my head in every direction, looking for those warm brown eyes that I've grown to adore so much. Xiu's flight either should be landing any second now or it has already landed and everyone is de-boarding, and it has felt like an eternity since I last saw her in person, even though it has only been for the duration of our winter break.

I know that Jacquie and Elsie-Mae probably wanted to be the ones to pick their roommate from the airport, but I insisted. Besides, she lives with them and gets to see them on an every day basis. Of course I see Xiu a lot as well, but not as much as they do. I've been counting down the days until she landed back in New York, smiling without even realizing it whenever I think about her, talked Wyatt and Jeremiah's ears off about her while we were hanging out, all of it. 

I never truly realized just how clingy I could be, and Xiu being gone has brought it out of me. Obviously, I know that we cannot spend every second of the day together considering that we have to juggle school and our separate friendship groups, and I also have to worry about work as well. However, if there was the opportunity to shut out the rest of the world just for one day, I would spend it with her. 

After having the childhood that I did, my mind was altered. I was weary of anybody that came into my life, and as a result, ended up either pushing them away to avoid being disappointed, or I would remain very cold towards them. My parents and my brother Liam felt that for months after I was adopted into the family. After some time, I obviously opened up more and allowed myself that vulnerability. I only reserved it for my family, and everyone else got to see me at face value. 

Xiu got to see me at face value for a while, simply due to the fact that I was weary of her seeing my vulnerability. I wanted to come off as this strong person and that nothing could really shake me. But now that I think back, that was quite idiotic of me. She should've gotten to know this side of me a while ago, and I don't know why I was so scared to let her see that part of me. I guess I didn't want to be seen as weak, which is what I was for the first portion of my life. 

"Hey, you." A voice says while tapping my shoulder. 

My thoughts are interrupted, and once I turn around I see Xiu in front of me, smiling from ear to ear. I hug her tightly, placing a kiss in the crook of her neck. Her familiar scent welcomes me, and there's a warm feeling that brews in the pit of my stomach. 

"I missed you so much." I whisper into her ear, and I notice the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up.

"I missed you, too." Xiu replies, and I can feel her beginning to smile against my chest. 

"How was your flight?" I ask, carefully placing my hands on her sides, gently massaging her hips with the pads of my thumbs.

"It wasn't bad at all. No crazy turbulence and no screaming children so I can't complain." She says, laughing towards the end of her sentence. 

I kiss her again, and she smiles against my lips. 

God, I've missed her.

I take her face in both of my hands and stare straight at her. Her bruises are almost completely healed, and although she probably hasn't had much sleep since she got on her flight from California to here, she doesn't look exhausted whatsoever. It almost feels as though my lungs have filled up with fresh air. 

Our lips meet again, and I allow myself to get lost within the kiss, not caring if people are looking as we stand together in the middle of the busy airport. Our lips separate for a moment, and we sway back and forth as we hold onto each other. An adorable laugh comes from Xiu, and I can't help but smile. 

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