Chapter 17

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Hours after Wyatt has somehow convinced me into going out tonight, we are surrounded by nothing but flashing lights, and the scent of alcohol lingers in the air as people are packed like sardines, trying to squeeze past each other. The music is deafeningly loud as it vibrates the walls, and some people are wildly dancing while others are casually bopping to the music.

Rumpus Room is about a fifteen minute walk from the campus, and it's one of the few decent clubs around that hasn't completely gone to trash. Most of the students tend to go there because it isn't completely run down, and because it's an easy way to hook up with someone. There's nothing but desperate and single twenty-somethings prowling around, trying to find someone who is either worthy of a one night stand, or someone that genuinely wants something serious.

But that line usually gets blurred, which leads to a lot of broken hearts, and unrealistically high expectations crashing down into absolutely nothing. It's definitely descriptive of my love life as well, hence my slight apathy towards this whole mission on finding a girl to bang tonight.

Wyatt has already managed to snag at least three different girls into a conversation already, and I'm for sure that he's going to hook up with at least one of them by the end of the week. I cannot help but laugh at his elated expression as he rushes up to me. I already know that I'm about to get an earful of whatever just happened.

"Another phone number?" I ask, already knowing the answer to that question.

"Not only that, but it turns out that she goes to NYU." Wyatt exclaims, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Nice," I reply, slightly faking a smile. "What's her name?"

"Georgina. Or maybe it was Georgianna." Wyatt replies, furrowing his eyebrows as he's trying to remember.

I chuckle at his inability to retain information. He just met the girl about five minutes ago and has already forgotten her name. He has always been like this ever since I met him, and it never fails to amuse me at how quickly things go from one of his ears and out of the other. I'm convinced that when it comes to passing assignments and exams that he either cheats on all of them or has an extremely accurate guessing ability.

"Wyatt, I don't think it's normal to forget things as easily as you do." I tease, and he rolls his eyes before his smile spreads across his face.

"I'm working on it, give me some time!"

The two of us chuckle at the comment before continuing to drink as we watch the crowd of people continue to get larger as the seconds pass. The alcohol is beginning to take effect on him because his cheeks are progressively changing from a rosy shade of pink into deep red. I begin to open my mouth to ask if he wants to head home, but there's something he's directing his attention on.

"I'll be back in just a second." Wyatt says, and there's a mischievous grin spread across his face.

Wyatt heads into the direction of a group of girls who just walked in. I sigh, slightly slouching against the wall as I realize that this night isn't going anywhere for me. As odd as this sounds, I'd rather be in my apartment reading a syllabus. Tonight, I'm just not feeling it.

I guess you could call me a womanizer. That's what I've been called by a couple of my friends as well as a couple of girls who I've been with. Whether it be an actual relationship, or just friends with benefits, it always tends to end in disaster for me. I'm not intentionally this way, so I guess it's just a part of me naturally.

As a new song begins, and the lights begin to flash to the beat, I casually take another sip, slightly cringing at how strong it is. As it begins to warm up the back of my throat, I notice a girl walking in my direction. Instantly, I straighten my posture and she flashes a smile at me. She's quite petite, I would say about five foot two, and her dark skin is contrasted with her blue hair. I notice the septum ring now that she's closer to me.

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