part6 [Vacation, Fluff?]

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In the last Part,I said that Vox was having a day off with Shoto right?I'm thinking of making this part as a vacation part where they have fun and its just a fluffy part!Though,I'm not an expert in fluff making,but I'll try my best!

after Shoto woke up,he was blushing so hard,he looked like a tomato. Vox was hugging him,and it make Shoto's face buried in Vox's Chest,Shoto tried to break free from Vox's hug,he had a bad feeling that if he stays there,he will be eaten.

after he finally is able to break free,he goes to the bathroom quietly.

He then shower and put on some clothes,he looked at the clock,He then tried to wake Vox up

Vox suddenly pull Shoto's hand that make him go on top of his chest,Vox then hug him and whisper to Shoto's ear.

"Shh...I'm taking the day off..Do you really want me to go that much?hmm?Shou~"
Shoto's face is as red as a tomato after Vox whisper those words to him. but he still reply back,kinda sounds like he's whimpering.

"I don't want to...I want you to stay here and accompany me..I feel lonely when you're not here..."

Vox Heared that,now he is also red,after Shoto said that he immediately burried his head in Vox's Chest.
Vox then smirk

They did 'that'
I want this to be fluffy,so I don't tell it clearly how they did it,maybe in the next 2 part?
I'm not sure,but I want this to be fluffy,so..

After they did that,Vox kiss Shoto's cheeks,then his Forehead,and then to his nose,and finally,his lips,it make Shoto flinch and yet feel so loved by him.

Vox didn't do it as hard as he actually wanted to,he want to go on a vacation with Shoto,and it's on one of his Villa,he dont want Shoto to not be able to walk dont he?

after Vox tell Shoto that they'll be going on a vacation to his Villa,Shoto seems excited!

"Yey!I can finally have you accompanying me all day!"
Vox blushed,his heart can't take Shoto's cuteness,it's able to make him go insane.

on the way,they used a plane,Shoto's seat was beside Vox close to the window
he is so bored,Vox was trying to get his business done,they took the business class,And Shoto has nothing to do unless just looking in the window,the more he is bored,the sleepier he is.
after a few minutes,He fell asleep and his head was supported by Vox's shoulder,it make Vox flinch and take a look at Shoto.

'So cute...' think Vox.
he want to keep on working so he wont have to worklate when he came back to the company but he feels like this is way to much to pass.
so he close his laptop,and put it in his briefcase,he then took off his hoodie and tried to put it on Shoto,because he look cold and he's also shivering

After that,He fell asleep with Shoto,with his head on top of Shoto's head meanwhile Shoto's head is on top of Vox's shoulder.
They slept until they're finally arrived in the destination.

they then took a cab after the plane,Shoto was still half awake and Vox carried him on his back(Vox didnt support Shoto,so he's just latching onto him,meanwhile Vox has to take the suitcase)

After they arrived in Vox's Villa
Shoto who slept the entire time,meanwhile Vox who overworked himself this time,was greeted by the worker who clean the place up,Vox find this weird,he forgot to tell them to work today and clean the place up before he comes back,so how?

he think 'Box must've gone here before me.'
meanwhile Shotou still latching onto vox finnaly got supported after the suitcases are taken away from him

He then ask them if they had clean up every room
"Yes of course sir, Young Master Box has come here and told us to clean every corner of the villa."

"knew it. that angel..!"
"hm?uh,Young Master Vox,May I ask you?"
"yeah,what is it" reply Vox looking tired and so done

(Shoto woke up.)
"Who is that man on your back?"

'he dont know me...?' think Shoto while still half awake
'I guess I never go here...'

"He's my owner,any problem with that?"
"n-no young master,of course not."
Shoto is blushing then shut his eyes once more to sleep again

After Vox goes to the stairs,he saw Box,he seems to wait and observe Vox from on top
"Ughhh,what you want,gosh."
"I thought you love Ike?What's this."
"I'm just doing something that keeps me safe. that all"
"Letting him tame you is keeping you safe?"
"Yes,I got in the hospital for a severe heart burn,and other complications. and I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay alive again if that happend once more."
"..." Box was speechless,then he looked to Shoto and smirked

"then keep on watching for me. I've always want him to tame me. when you like Ike before,he was my target. be careful Voxxy~" after saying that,Box just leave Vox with Shoto

"Y-you!keep your hands off my boyfriend!"
"I will,but I mean,we gotta try right~?"
"fuck you Box!"
"yeah yeah whatever"
Vox seems to be very upset,and Shoto seems to not believe what Box said,he didnt sleep tightly yet,so he heard everything,he is surprised,no,more that that.

after Vox goes to his room and he placed Shoto on the bed,nad went to the shower,and Shoto just opened his eyes,since he wasnt sleeping,so he dont have a tired or 'just woke up' eyes,and wake up from the bed and goes to the window,it has a really beautiful view,it was in the most beautiful forest,it even has it own pathway to the villa,huge pathway,It has many flowers and fruits,but he's not sure if the fruits are safe to eat.

after Vox came out from the shower,The door made a medium sound,but its enough to make shoto startled,he was focussing on the view,but now he's focussing on Vox's body,it was wet,and he had a towel on his hips,ngl,Shoto hoped that the towel fell off. (me too-)

"Heh,you are amazed by the view out there right?it is beautiful." Says Vox while going to his suitcase and took the clothes he want to wear with pants too,ofc underwear too!
(The worker who took the suitcase has put it inside the room before he arrive in the room.)

while he is taking off the towel,he looked at Shoto,he doesnt seem like he'll stop looking at him for a while.
Shou,dont be naughty,turn your head around and dont watch me changing."
hearing that Shoto was disappointed,then he turn his to the window again,nad use his hand to support his head,but the window isnt open,so he still kinda sees Vox,when he pull the towel off,Shoto was more than suprised to see such size. he kinda feel proud of himself that its able to go inside him,fully
anyway,he started to blush so hard,that he cover his face

after that,Shoto just went to the bathroom,while Vox still changing
"Oh well,I guess I have to take care of the clothes for him."
After Shoto come out from the bathroom,he saw,Vox's working on his laptop again. he feel pissed so he launch himself to Vox and dont give a fuk if the towel fell,that startled Vox so much that he out of reflex put his laptop away in a speed no human can achieve
,but he still isnt able to catch him and he landed on Vox,and Vox's head hit the bed's head,after Shoto landed himself,he can see Vox shutting his eyes and hiss,Shoto then sat,and saw Vox's head,it was bleeding

"AH!omg,Vox I'm so sorry!!!Uh.. uh...!!should I call a doctor?!"
"Ugh..yeah..I have a personal doctor,just call the butler.." Vox continue to hiss and grunts in pain
then Shoto took off to inform the butler

after a moment,the doctor came and took care of Vox head
"oh my..what happened to you.
it's a severe crack."
"Sorry doc,I guess my owner is so childish."
hearing that,Make Shoto feel bad,and he finally goes to him,and sat on his lap,meanwhile the doctor understood the vibe and stay away from the room

"Vox...I'm so sorry..."
"You think Sorry would help,hm?"
"..." Shoto then hugged him and lay his head on Vox's right shoulder,he seems to be mumbling something but Vox cant hear,Shoto keep playfully bitting Vox's neck to the point that Vox cant tell if Shoto is a human or a dog..Vox finally forgived him and they slept together


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