day 01 continued

146 8 13

Heeso Pov.

The dinner table was filled with laughter, the clinking sounds of the forks and spoons meeting the plates and bowls.

" Heeso darling, when are you planning on getting married?" A lady I've never seen before asks me as if we know each other. She's covered in jewelry, face caked with makeup. A forced smile of her tight face.

The table suddenly silences, awaiting my response. A response I don't have.

" She won't be getting married " My mother replies all joy wiped off her face.

The shiny woman laughs, but the laughter is short lived. " And why is that?" She asks, rising her right brow.

" That is not of your concern, please do mind your own business " My mother spits through gritted teeth.

The woman scoffs but changes the subject, and noise once again sounds the table.

I know why my mother doesn't want me to get married. My father. He was a cheater, in the end he left my mother and me. He left without leaving a trace, all he left was money. Filthy money. After my father left ,my mother developed a hatred towards men. She doesn't want the same to happen to me.

I lean to my left, whispering to my mother. " I'm going to restroom, I'll be back"

My mother just nods not really paying attention to me.

I stand up, holding up my dress to not trip.

" Excuse me, where is the ladies room?" I ask a gentleman who holds a tray of glasses filled with champagne.

He tells me direction and I follow them, successfully reaching my destination.

I do my business and wash my hands at the basin. I sigh at my reflection, many people think I'm perfect. But I'm the far from such.

I step out and bump into a hard chest.

" Ms.Choi, fancy seeing you again "

" Mr.Kim, it's obvious we'd see each other, we are on the same ship" I point out the obvious.

He chuckles, a grin on his handsome face.

" Well I have to return to my dinner Mr.Kim" I step away from him, but stop once I feel a grip on my left wrist.

" Why leave so soon, I would love to get to know you Ms.Choi" He speaks as I turn to look at him.

" I apologize but I'm not interested " I truthfully answer.

" Unfortunately for you I am." He says his grip not loosening the slightest.

" Mr.Kim, please don't make me repeat myself "

He scoffs before letting my wrist go.
" I see. I was going to ask you to join me tonight "

My heart races as he ends his sentence.

" Join you where exactly?" I ask, truly curious.

" I'm sorry but I can't tell, you said yourself you're not interested. Enjoy your dinner Heeso"

He turns his back on me and takes a step, before I stop him.

" Wait!"

He stops and turns to me with a smirk.

" How may I help you?" He asks with a cocky tone.

" I'll join you" I say, looking deep into his dark eyes.

" Delightful, well then follow my lead" I do as I'm told and follow him. Soon we're out of the dining area. A set of stairs stand infront of us, going down.

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