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After hours of driving, the car carrying Terry and the well-dressed man arrive at the WonderTech Headquarters. The car pulls into the back of the building, enveloping the interior of the car in darkness.

Terry, who's been staring at the ceiling since his breakdown, notices the change in atmosphere and looks out the side window. Bright lights suddenly come on, forcing Terry to squint for a moment. The man walks out the car and opens the door next to him, gesturing for him to walk out. Terry sighs, wipes the tears off his face, and gets up from the vehicle.

The man grabs Terry's wrist, soliciting a slight grunt from him, and tugs him quickly away to a door labeled "STAIRS". The only sounds being their shoes hitting the concrete, and the hum of the fluorescent lights above them. Glowing a pale, hopeless, blue.

With them both walking down the stairs, Terry can only think about how he can try to escape.

The exit's so close.. I can knock him out and take the keys.

He takes in a deep breath, and enacts his plan.

Using the rest of his strength, he uses his free arm to grab the back of the man's suit and slam his head into the metal rails on the stairs. A satisfying THUD stains the rail with blood, but the man only stumbles back and stays standing.

Oh shit! I need to bail!

Terry yanks his hand free from his grip and stumbles up the stairs as fast as he can. But a hand wraps around his heel, making him trip and hit his head on the step. The impact completely knocks him out.

Now with his job a lot easier, the man smirks, heaves Terry over his shoulder, and continues down the pit below.

- - - -

Terry awakes to a pain on his face.

Then another one.

And another one, nearly knocking the spit out of his mouth.

His eyesight comes back, still blurry. Another man dressed in black stands in front of him.

"Finally, you're awake." The man speaks, muffled by Terry's unconciousness.

"What the hell..." Terry mutters out, still half asleep and reeling from the pain.

Another slap straight to his face, almost tipping over the chair he's seated in.

"Wh... What the hell are you doing?!" Terry yells, now fully awake and very panicked.

"Waking you up." He says sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know that." Terry growls out. "Why am I here?"

"Shouldn't we introduce ourselves?" He says, walking closer to Terry.

"Ryuji Kazuya. Owner of WonderTech."

Ryuji stares straight into Terry's fearful eyes and lends a hand, offering him a handshake. Terry tries to move his arms, but realizes they're tied to the back of the chair with some sort of rope.

Ryuji lets out a loud laugh, longer than any sane person should be laughing for a trick like that.

He finally calms down, walks behind him, and pushes the chair carrying him into a strange room.

Weird things like big glass tubes filled with fluids and odd tools are scattered about the room.

"Now, to what you asked..." He walks a few steps back and seats himself on a chair. "I did bring you here for a reason. To work."

"But.. But why did you take me away from my son?" Terry says.

"He'll be fine. We have ways of keeping an eye on him." He waves a phone around in his hand, giving Terry a sly wink.

"I'm his father! I can't just lea-"

"Terry." He groans at his very justified dramatic tone. "We need you for something important."

Terry stays silent.

"This is something that needs all of your attention. Letting you out of this place is just too much of a risk."

"But why?! Why me?" Terry screams at Ryuji, tears coming down his face.

"Because, you're the perfect one."

You had the mind for something amazing. You went off to university, ready to become a great engineer and live the life you always wanted to.

And you met the most beautiful girl. Inseperable. Hours on end, you both would talk sweet and promise anything that was asked for.

The pregnancy wasn't expected, but you both knew it would only make your bond stronger.

It was the perfect dream.

And the date finally came.

Everything went as planned. You and her arrived at the hospital.

You were excited. She was excited. It was finally happening.


Her heart stopped,

and it was too dangerous to do anything to save her.

So he could live.


"I'm giving you your second chance, Terry." Ryuji tells him.

Terry only shivers, his tears staining the concrete floor.

"Are you going to go back to your job, wasting away your life for someone who doesn't even care about you?"

Terry raises his head to look at the man standing right above him.

"Or will you join me, and finally use your potential for something much greater than all of us?"

Terry's head goes limp again. "I... I can't.."

Ryuji chuckles. "You don't have a choice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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