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I woke up from sleeping and I look around and I see that I am in a different room that I am used to sleeping in and I jump up but wince and held my ribs, they are definitely hurting worse today, that is when everything that happened and how I ended up here came back to me. I looked up and saw their Prez in the corner of the room and I jump a little, 

C--"I didn't mean to scare you, everyone was worried when you didn't wake up all day, so I came in here to check on you, Ryder is kind of scared to be around you right now."

P--"Yeah I wouldn't want to be the dad of me either, umm what do you want me to do around here?"

C--"What do you mean?"

P--"What chores do you want me to do around the place, I can cook, and clean that is what I did there but I will do whatever you want me to."

C--"I don't want you to do something that you don't want to, I want to know what you meant by he wouldn't want to be your dad?"

P--"I mean look at me I am way more than I should weigh, and I can't stand up for myself I mean look at me." he looks at me and just stares at me and I looked down at my hands that were resting on my lap, he is making me really nervous, and I start to pick at my nails then he said, 

C--"Let's get you something to eat, you haven't eaten all day."

P--"What time is it?"

C--"Five o'clock in the evening"

P--"I have slept all day?"

C--"Yes, now come on" and he started to walk out and I followed him slowly and when I finally made it down the stairs everybody kept looking at me and I just put my head down and kept walking behind him and when we reached the dining room there was once again the same people here as yesterday and I sit down in my seat and somebody sat a plate in front of me and when I looked up the girl named Summer gave me a plate and I smile at here,

P--"Thank you" I said quietly and when everyone started eating I did too. By the time I was done with half my plate and full everyone finished their plates and was looking at me and I look back down at my plate not wanting to eat anymore but if I don't, they will be mad and I am very confused as to what I am going to do,

H--"You don't have to eat the rest of it if your full" I looked up and looked at everyone but their Prez and Ryder and while nodding my head,

P--"Can I put it in the fridge so I can eat it tomorrow?"

S--"Yes go right on ahead, you never have to ask" she smiled, and I smiled back and got up trying not to wince,

C--"Let me have it, go watch something on the TV out there and rest" he got up with my plate and headed off to a door that I assume is the kitchen and I slowly got up and went outside like he said and when I went out everybody was staring at me, and I sigh not liking the attention. I walked over to the lounge part and see that there were about 10 men sitting there and I just decide against sitting by them, so I walked past them all and I walk to the window and stand by it and look at where they stood acrossed the street waiting for me to come out.

I must have been standing there spaced out because I heard a guy yell at me from the couch,

D--"Hey, hey you" I looked back and see him looking right at me,

D--"Yeah you, go get me a beer and a burger" I was scared he look roughed up and I knew if I didn't do as he said he would be mad, so I walked past them and walked into the kitchen where I see the Prez and Ryder standing and talking by the fridge I just calmly walk to the fridge getting a beer and walk over and grabbed a burger putting a ketchup and mustard packet on the side and I go to walk out and I walk slow so I don't have to face them  that soon when suddenly a voice behind me says 

C--"I thought you weren't hungry anymore, and you drink?"

P--"Umm no it's not for me."

C--"Then who is it for?" I stayed quiet because for some reason I feel like I will be in trouble if I answer it, 

R--"Paisley answer him."

P--"I don't know his name." 

C--"Who is it for?" 

P--"Umm some guy told me to get him these things, so I did." 

R--"Oh fuck no" Ruder stormed out of the kitchen and I say, 

P--"Please don't be mad at me, I will do better I promise."

C--"You are not in trouble he is" I looked at him confused, 

P--"Why would he be in trouble?"

C--"Because the way that we do thing is my gang people don't order others like slaves, so as long as you are here you are not going to be treated as so, do you understand?"

P--"Yes" I nodded my head and then jumped at the big crash, 

C--"Come on" he grabbed the stuff out of my hands while he passed and threw them in the trash and I just follow him out of the kitchen where I see glass broke all over the floor and Ruder looked up at me and asked, 

R--"Which one?" I looked around and I see the guy glaring at me and I guess I looked too long because before I know it he was up against the wall and getting punched three times in the face before Prez walked up and grabbed him off of him and said something in his ear and Rider looked at me for a second and I looked down at the guy on the floor and see him bleeding from his mouth, eyebrow, and nose. I looked back up at Ryder when he started to state very loudly, 

R--"Listen to me, and listen to me close I have reason to believe that that girl over there is my daughter and nobody treat her like that again, she is no slave and even if the test comes back negative, she is still to be treated like a human just like we all are, do you understand?" they all said, "Yes Vice Prez" and I blush when they began to stare once again, 

C--"Back to the way that you were, driver get up and get yourself cleaned up before I rethink my decision of getting him off of you." Ryder walked up to me and said, 

R--"Cason told me what you said earlier, and I would be proud to be you father, it's just I want to be sure before I get used to calling you daughter and believe me, I want to, but I know your mother and I just want to be safe." I nod my head and Cason now I know for sure that is his name, he got off of a phone call and yelled, 

C--"Church two minutes" he yelled out loud and the guys that I eat with all walked into the room they talked to me yesterday in and two other guys that I have never met before walked in behind them and Ryder said before he leaves, 

R--"When there is church you never go into the meeting room unless you are told my me or Cason, and it looks like we have to leave for business so I will see you in a couple of days okay?"

P--"Okay umm all of you be careful I am going to go ahead and go get some more rest" he smiles and nods while walking away and I walk up the stairs and into my room and lay back down falling asleep once more. 

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