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I was laying in my bed freshly showered in a lingerie looking up at the ceiling when the bathroom door opened and out walked Cason in all of his glory. He slowly walked over to me and climbed up the bed from the bottom hovering over me looking down at me and leaned down kissing me.

He started trailing his hands down my body when my bedroom door busted open and in ran a bunch of men carrying huge guns and demanded me go with them and when he refused to let me go, he looks down at me saying that he was sorry and covered my body from the shots and he falls down on me and I scream continuously,

End of nightmare:

I wake up to Cason shaking me awake and I am crying, I roll over and hide my face in my comforter, embarrassed that he has seen me like this.

C--"Hey look at me" flashbacks of what I saw in my nightmare me and him about to do the deed and then him taking bullets for me was too much right now,

P--"Umm I am going to take a shower" I get out of my bed and go straight into my bathroom and take a shower to wash all the sweat off of my body. When I get out, I do all I need to do in the bathroom and when I walked out Cason was sitting in the chair by my window, and I realized that when he was looking me up and down I had just a towel on, and I blush.

C--"Tell me what it was about."

P--"I don't want to; umm can you get out so I can get dressed?"

C--"Why don't you want to talk to me about what happened?"

P--"Because I feel guilty."

C--"Why do you feel guilty?"

P--"Why do you care?"

C--"Because I just do, now please talk to me."

P--"I feel guilty because...."

C--"because what"

P--"You got killed because of me" he looked shocked, 

C--"Can you tell me what exactly happened?"

P--"We... We..." I stopped and gathered myself, 

P--"I can't tell you because if I do, I won't be able to look at you anymore."

C--"Okay" I was left shocked too, because he just gave up and left the room and I quickly got some new clothes on and then went down the stairs to see a lot of members here talking, playing pool in the back, and watching Tv. I walked past everybody and go to the chair by the window and sit down resting my head on the window seal and close my eyes drifting back into sleep and this time I had no nightmares and I believe it is because I am by people that make me feel safe. 

When I woke up, I was not where I fell asleep, I was actually on the couch in the lounge, and I am confused but when I looked down to see who's lap my feet were laying on and I see Cason. 

P--"How long was I asleep?"

C--"3 hours, your dad, Slade, and Dawn are on a run, so I am the only one here besides the girls they are in the kitchen preparing a dinner for everyone that went on the run." I nod and take my feet off his lap and sat up, 

P--"We were about to do stuff together."


P--"In my dream we were about to... do stuff together when Jack and his men came into the room demanding me back and you refused and then you looked down at me saying that you were sorry and next thing, I know I was screaming with your dead gunshot body lying on top of mine and that is when you woke me up" I got up from the couch after he didn't say anything and when I looked over at him he was looking at the wall and so I walked past him to the kitchen and the girls welcomed me and I couldn't bring a real smile to my face but I tried. 

P--"What are you guys making?"

S--"We are making pork chops, hot dogs, hamburgers, and wanted to do chicken salad but we have never made it and we can't seem to find a good recipe." 

P--"I can make chicken salad, what sides are you making?"

H--"Mac and Cheese, potato salad, and fries"

P--"Do you want me to make one?" 

S--"Fires? We have some in the freezer in a bag."

P--"I can make homemade fries." the smiled and nodded. We were all working hard, and they were talking away being their hyper selves and I just continued cooking, why would I actually tell him? He probably thinks I am a weird. 

H--"What is wrong?" I see them both in front of me and I look back and see all their stuff is all done, and I look down at my fries that are yet to be cooked, 

P--"Nothing" I turned back and turned on the pan with oil in it and I put a fry in the oil to see when it is ready to put a batch in. 

S--"Come on you can talk to us" I thought about it for a second then decided to answer them, 

P--"I had a nightmare last night. It was ma and Cason about to um do the deed when Jack and his crew came in and demanded me and he refused and then shot him dead on top of me and that is when he woke me up out of my sleep. We had a long discussion about how I didn't want to tell him but when I woke up from my nap a little while earlier, I told him, and he didn't say a word and now here I am." 

H--"Pais-" she was cut off by the door opening and in walked my dad, 

R--"Hey honey"


R--"Does anybody know why Cason is just sitting on the couch staring at the wall?" I looked at him shocked, 

P--"Umm nope, how did the run go?"

R--"All good but one of our guys are at Doc's since he got a flesh wound deep enough for stitches, I am going to go fill in Cason see you girls later" he gave me a side hug then walked out, after making sure he was out I raised my hand and said, 

P--"Let's not talk about it anymore." I put in another batch of fries letting them cook and once they were finished, I put the last batch in, and I was done. The girls had sat up a bug long table out in the lounge where we sat the food with the help of Slade and Dawn which were giving each other heck and I just shook my head and asked, 

P--"Are we still eating in the dining room or out here?" 

R--"Usually out here but if you are more comfortable, we can sit in there still." my dad walked up behind me and chimed in and I said without looked back, 

P--"Nope out here is good."

C--"Girls go first, get a plate." he announces from his seat on the couch then standing up and walking over and I quickly just threw a few things on my plate and as well as the girls and we all went and sat down on the comfy couches and we also started to eat without anybody else, 

H--"Sorry I was really hungry."

S--"Me too"

P--"Same" we were eating when dad, Slade, Dawn came and sat down and before I realize Cason was walking over and the only place was right beside me. I looked at each of the girls and I see them already looking at me and I just look back down and continue eating. Nobody said anything other than thank you for the food we had made, and I just smiled and continued eating, that was until I heard something that made me stop mid bite and sit the food back down on my plate, 

C--"Will you go on a date with me?" I heard forks hit everybody's glass plates and I slowly looked up and I see Cason looking at me and I said lowly, 


C--"Will you go on a date with me?" I thought about it and after I shook off the shocked feeling, I nod my head and said, 

P--"Yes" and just like that he smiled an actual genuine smile, and the whole place erupted in cheering, and I look around and blush realizing that the whole place was looking and watching our every move. After the initial shock everybody went back to eating and having fun the rest of the night. 

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