I'm Sorry

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I wake up the next morning to snuggling into a sleeping Cason and I smile looking up at him then I started to feel sad once again but I quickly get those thoughts out of my head and sit in the bed and lean against the headboard with a sheet draped over me loosely looking at Cason sleep for 10 or 15 minutes before he started to stir in his sleep. He finally opened up his eyes and looked up at me smiling at me before stretching and my eyes wonder down his torso seeing it flex and I just silently bit my lip. 

C--"Have you been awake for long?" 

P--"No" I smiled down at him and watch him sit up and scoot back to where he had his back against the headboard like I did, 

C--"Come here" he motioned me over to him and I move over to his lap and straddle it and sitting on it, I know he would tell me if he was uncomfortable well, I hope so.

C--"You are beautiful" I smile and look down at my hands as he moved the piece of hair that fell in my face and said, 

P--"I am so sorry" I felt a tear go down my face, 

C--"Baby I have already said it wasn't your fault."

P--"I-I feel like I failed, if I had my way I would go back and stay in the damn truck, or I should have gone out your side of the truck." 

C--"Come here" he pulled me into his arms, and I wrapped mine around his stomach tightly. 

C--"You have to stop beating yourself up about it because I can blame myself to, but I can't get sucked into it or I wouldn't survive." 

P--"It had nothing to do with you."

C--"It did, If I said all the "What if's" that go through my head each day, for example I should have told you in the truck, what if I had made it on the other side of the truck first and killed them, what if we had left that night and we made it back in one piece, I could go on baby but if I did I wouldn't be able to handle making you endure all of the stuff you have went through, the operation, the recovery, not talking to anybody other than you dad, not eating like you should, not being able to carry a baby, my point is I fucked up too so if you have to blame somebody blame me too not yourself" I started crying and I sat up, 

P--"No it wasn't your fault."

C--"And it wasn't yours either, it was the son of a bitch I killed and the one that I am going to kill" I nod my head feeling a little better now. We both go up after about 15 minutes longer of just sitting in silence in each other's embrace. After getting dressed we went into the kitchen and grabbed a bit to eat and then we left on his bike he said that he had something for me. When we pulled into the strip where the ink shop and leather jacket store is, and he drove to the leather shop, and we walked in and saw the guy waving at us to come to the back and we follow the man and he handed each of us a box and we both open it and I look at the new club jacket and I was confused, 

P--"Why do I need a new jacket when I just got one?"

C--"Look on the back of the jacket" I turned it over and I saw that it was "Prez old lady" and my name under it,

P--"Thank you" I hugged him, and I turned around saying to ghost,

P--"Thank you for making it!"

G--"Your welcome" we smile and walk out and down the strip a little way and he says right as he opens the door for me,

C--"You dad said you wanted another tattoo, so I figured you wanted to get one today since we are having another date" I smiled and nodded, we walked in and Ink lit up,

I--"Hi guys how are you today?"

P--"Better than yesterday!" He smiled sadly at me, and Cason said,

C--"How's the old lady?"

I--"She is actually doing a lot better she is getting out here and there but yesterday she finally went to Target by herself, I mean I was on the phone with her, but she is getting there."

P--"That is great I can't wait to meet her one day."

C--"Me too"

I--"Okay well let's get you back, what are you getting Cason?"

C--"Wrong person" he pointed to me, and I smiled at Ink.

I--"Alrighty what are you getting?" He asked while we were walking back.

P--"My ribbon tattoo" they both looked at me in shock and asked at the same time,

C, I--"Really?" I blush,

P--"Do you want to retract your question from awhile back? I know I haven't really been great to be around lately so I would totally understand, I-" he stopped me from talking by kissing me,

C--"No I don't want to retract it" I smile, and I tried to pull up my sleeve after taking my jacket off and when I couldn't I say,

P--"Umm guys I have a problem."

C--"What's wrong?"

P--"I can't get my sleeve up."

I--"You're going to have to take you short off" I saw Cason's body go ridged and I say,

P--"Maybe we will just come back later or another day."

C--"No you want it done so here take my short to wear just while we are here, Ink do you mind stepping out" he gave him a look like man I have my own women but he still gets up and leaves the room and draws the curtain closed.

He took off his new leather jacket that said my name as his old lady and then removed his shirt handing it to me, I quickly removed my shirt and I notice him looking at my chest but quickly looking back up to my face and I hand him my shirt and replacing it with his shirt while he walked to the curtain telling him I am ready.

Once he was done about an hour later, he placed the gaze around my arm the shipped us out of his shop saying he had to make it to dinner in time. We walked down the strip and went unto the same diner we went into on out first date and ate food before making our way back home where we sat in my bed and watched a movie while eating ice cream.

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