part 5 parents weekend part 16

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divi : just hurry the fuck up

wens : ok chill

divi and wens go out to the forest

wens : divi why am i here

divi : because i can't let enid or yoko know anything

wens : anything ?

divi : i mean like you know those killings in the woods and stuff

wens : ye what about them

divi : well am pretty sure miss thornhill has something to do with it

wens : what makes you think that

divi : cause i sort of saw her in the conservatory with this blue liquid thing and she had a bit of blood on her shoulder

wens : oh ok lets just spy on her and maybe we can get more evidence that she is behind it

divi: ok should we go back

wens : umm ye sure

they go back to the others

enid : hey guys where did yous go

wens : we just went on a little walk

enid : oh ok

yoko : does anyone know what time it is

divi : umm it's 11:30

wens : yes the parents should be going home then

divi : yep

enid : do you guys wanna go weathervane later

yoko: yep sure

divi: ye in a bit

wens : ok

divi: i'll be back in a sec

enid : ok just be back around 1:00 so we can go the weathervane

divi: ok

Divi goes out into the woods  she bumps into miss thornhill

Miss thornhill : divina what are you doing out here you know your not aloud to be in the woods with these attacks

Divi: I know but I just wanted some fresh air

Miss thornhill : ok well come with me

Divi : umm ok m

Miss thornhill takes Divi back to the school into the conservatory

Divi : umm why have you brought me in here

Miss thornhill : I know you and Wednesday know I am behind the killings

Divi : ok so what are you going to do

Miss thornhill : oh don't worry you'll see soon

Divi : what do-

Miss thornhill knocked Divi out with a shovel , miss thornhill brought divi nightshade library and locked her in a secret room

It's about 12:30 and everyone else is starting to get worried

Yoko : hey guys I'm starting to get worried about Divi she would usually be back by now

Enid : I know 

Wens : I'll go look for her I'll be back in a bit

Enid : ok just please come back uninjured love you (she kisses wens)

Sorry I haven't been updating I have just been busy wit stuff at home

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