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My life changed when I met neteyam I will never forget the first time I met him.

Flash back to 10 years ago

I sat there on a tree trunk crying to myself my hands filled with the blood of my parents. My eyes filled with tears as I cried "it's my fault" I sobbed seeing my parents getting killed right in front of me by the sky people. They were relentless with their attacks showing no mercy. My ears went back as I brought my knees to my chest, I heard a rustle coming from the bushes seeing a boy emerge from the bush. He wore braids and had a bow behind his back. A tall figure that I'm guessing was his dad came from the bushes as well. He tilted his head looking at me

"what are you doing out here alone where are your parents"
he questioned, as I raised my head to look at him.

the boy came over to my side looking at my hands
"sir I think she's hurt."

Jake scanned the area, he then went up to me kneeling down "show me your hands kid."

I hesitantly showed him my hands "this isn't her blood." He looked concerned
"What exactly happened kid where'd you get this from"
he looked at me pursing his lips into a thin line

"my parents were killed by the sky people and I couldn't do anything to help them."
The tears formed again. Jake frowned, neteyam looked at his dad "we have an extra tent at home why don't we take her with us."
Jake looked over to neteyam then glanced back at me

"we do. Come on kid." He stood up and signaled for you to stand up. I stood up Jake started to walk back to where they resided. I looked at Neteyam ever so curiously, as I saw him smile at me

"so what's your name?" He tilted his head, he was only taller then me by a few inches he had a small grin.

"Im y/n." I said as I sniffled I looked at him "what's yours?" My tail swayed as I walked with them

"It's Neteyam" his hair swayed with every step he took

"Does your hair always do that?" I asked watching his hair sway

"Do what?" He asked

"Never mind" i brushed it off ignoring it

The rest of the trip back to the village was very quiet.

Once you guys got there the boys were welcomed by their family. You hid behind Jake scared

"Ma Jake you are here very early" a woman went up to Jake

"And you brought no dinner for us why?" Her eyes flickered over to neteyam then back to Jake

"Well that's because we found a lost kid."

he stepped aside revealing you. You were quite scared as you looked up at neytiri you gave her a small wave and then looked down

Neytiri squatted down, she took my face in her hands, rubbing off some dirt from my cheek "Where are your parents young one"

"They are with the great mother now.."

Neytiri frowned standing up
"come let's get you cleaned up." She gave me her hand, i took her hand and held it following her

Neytiri walked toward the bathing pond she sat by the bank "what is your name little one."


30 minutes later

all cleaned up from the bath,I sat on the ground as neytiri braided my hair, she finished and tapped my leg signaling I can get up and do whatever. I got up and walked around.I picked up a small toy that was on the ground

"Hey that's mine!"

I heard a voice yell at me and then snatch the toy away

"oh I'm sorry I just saw it laying on the ground."

"Well it's mine." He looked at me curiously "wait a minute.. who are you?"

"I'm y/n I just got here.."

"Oh. Well that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you play with my toy." He stuck his tongue out at me

"Lo'ak you don't treat our friends like that" 
a girl snatched the toy from him "Don't be so mean let her play with it."
She looked mad at him

"No! Kiri give it back" lo'ak was yelling at her

"No it's okay I don't wanna play with it.." i said quietly backing up, I looked over and saw neteyam walking toward us

"Stop fighting over the toy can't you see you're scaring her!" He took the toy putting it down

I looked up at neteyam as he scolded the two, kiri put her head down "I'm sorry" she apologized to me
"it's okay I know you were only trying to stand up for me"

I gave her a smile she returned a smile back . Lo'ak just rolled his eyes and walked away neteyam just went and followed him.

"I'm kiri what's your name?"

"My name is y/n"

"That's a cool name! Hey do you wanna come to my tent we can paint" her tail swayed

"Sure!" You followed her to her tent.

Once you guys arrived she opened her tent and went inside, I followed her inside looking around in Awe seeing all of the shiny things that decorated her room "wow did you collect this stuff"

"Mhm!" She let out a content giggle and sat on the floor getting her paint, I did the same sitting down.

'I could get used to this' I thought to myself. I smiled as kiri gave me a palette

This was just the beginning.


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