Episode 6. Speedrunning and Bad Parenting

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"Halt!" a commanding voice shouted to the four strangers and the army of bee men. "You shall encroach on our land no further, you pests! This will be your end!"

"It's...it's them!" a bee man shouted fearfully. "It's the Justice Rangers!"

Seven figures floated in the air above them. They wore helmets like ancient knights and spectacularly glowing suits of power armor, each one a different color of the rainbow. Matching capes flowed from each of them, billowing in the wind. They each carried a unique, lethal-looking weapon, from a man in red armor carrying a lance, to a woman in green wielding a bow, and the man who had spoken holding twin swords, with a deep blue visor over his helmet. Nathan thought they looked very intimidating, like a cross between majestic warriors and super—

"Shoot them!" The general and his armored bee men opened fire on the power rangers. There were bright explosions as a hail of yellow beams assaulted the rangers. The explosions cleared, revealing a green prism of light like an energy barrier surrounding the seven.

"Impossible! They've gotten stronger! We didn't even leave a scratch!" the general of the bee men shouted.

"Nice job, Green Ranger!" a ranger in yellow with a shield and a spear said.

"We will not allow you to take our planet!" the green ranger declared to the invaders.

"This time we will destroy you all!" General Gorlax buzzed. "We have the bringers of doom with us!"

The Justice Rangers looked down at the four strangers standing in front of the army. They gasped.

"It's...it's her!" Green Ranger said in disbelief. "Oni, the Black Ogre Dragon!"

"Yes, it appears so," Blue Ranger said, sounding extremely serious. "The vicious criminal who once attacked our world five years ago, and is now wanted across the galaxy for similar crimes."

Oni cocked her head at the Justice Rangers, looking puzzled. "Natives have met Oni? Oni does not remember you guys."

"You horrible monster!" Red Ranger cried, sounding enraged. He pointed his lance at Oni, and the weapon began glowing with intense scarlet light. "You slaughtered half of our people! You invaded Boreal and three of our neighboring planets, you with the Dark Lord and his demon army! You dare pretend like nothing happened?! Our people were pushed to the brink of extinction, and only barely managed to rebuild and hold off the next Sivaxian invasion! And now you've come to finish the job!"

Upon hearing this, Nathan took several steps away from the war dragon, an uneasy expression on his face. Razel looked similarly disturbed. DiMaggio was glaring wildly at the newcomers.

"Um..." Oni tried to think. She looked nervous at the rangers who were radiating a palpable aura of fear and rage, even under their helmets. "Oh!" Her face brightened. "Now Oni remembers! Oni was having potty break on Boreal from helping big sister Daemon and Master Dark Lord on planet Archon. Oni was not wanting fight natives here. Oni doesn't want to fight now too. Oni just wants to play!"

Oni smiled cheerily, thinking this was a good explanation.

"That's what you said last time!" the red ranger screamed. "I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do, you disgusting murderer!"

He fired a massive beam of red energy at Oni from his lance, and then dived towards her. "Ultimate Technique: Flames of Absolute Vengeance!"

"Red Ranger! No!" Blue Ranger cried out.

The beam hit Oni, and then Red Ranger streaked towards the dragon like a bolt of lightning and thrust his lance at her chest with both hands. "Aaaaaaaah! Die!"

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