Chapter 6: The Rose Feels Better

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Ayato POV: 

Well I feel like shit. Yours Truly Hates feeling like the bad guy when we're just going by how we were raised, but I guess Father wasn't at all happy with the condition we put her in. I felt really guilty which is not normal for me, but seeing her in that state pale, bleeding, and skinny. Father came back and ripped us a new one, saying things like 'How dare you go against what I told you' and 'If you touch her again I will send her to live with the Mukami's', that I did not want to happen they would just treat her worse considering what they did to Yui when they had a hold of her. "I will still make sure to take her to her appointments. So you will see me from time to time, however if I see any more issues like the one I saw today there will be serious consequences," Father said gritting his fang type teeth. His phone rings off making us all look up at him, he picks it up and answers it. His eyes widen a fraction and he smiles nodding, "Yes I'll come get her right away...., okay...., yes. Have her dressed and outside, I'll be quick," he hangs up, turning back to us he glares. "Okay, so she was just winded and the screaming scratched her throat which caused the bleeding. Now the doctor said she needs some serious rest, if any of you bother her you'll be in for a rude awakening," he growls and teleports to the limousine to bring her home. I sigh while walking to my room, I feel really guilty, I hate that! I growl to myself and head over towards Yui's room to take out my frustration by sucking her blood, can't do it to Rosalinda then pancake is my only other option. 

Rosalinda POV:

I'm leaning my head against Tougo's shoulder while he strokes my hair while he works on paperwork. He's very attentive towards me, which surprises me seeing who his sons are. "Tougo? Why are you so sweet towards me? I mean your sons other than Reiji are treating me and Yui as if we're food. I mean the things that Ayato said to me, I was crying so hard," I hear him sigh as he continues to stroke my hair. "It's my fault, I married 3 wives and had sons with all of them. They were raised by their moms which was a bad idea because they abused them in ways I never thought they would. I was a bad parent I own that, however I want to make it up to them. I was hoping by sending you to them they would learn how to treat people with respect and it seems the only one who has helped a little is Reiji. I hope that maybe I got it through their head that you are not to be treated that way. I do however would like you to call me Karlheinz or Karl because Tougo's my government official name," I smile at him and nod. I understand how hard it is to be a dad and he understands that he shouldn't have done that to his sons, but he's trying to make up for what happened. I sigh as the limousine came to a stop, he got out of the limo first opening the door for me and picked me up in bridal style to help walk me into the manor. I look up to see everyone but Ayato in the main hall, Reiji stands up and walks over to see if I'm okay. "I'm fine Reiji I'm just really tired and want to go to sleep," he nods taking me from his father and helps carry me to his room. 

I look back and wave with a smile at Karlheinz, he happily waves back as Reiji helps me to the room. "Are you feeling better," I nod to him.  "Yes I'm sorry that I yelled at you and your brothers, I was just so angry. I hate being treated like I'm weak regardless of my condition, I may be sick but I'm not helpless," Reiji nods as he opens the door. "Oh I don't think that you're weak. Plus you had every right to yell at us, we aren't exactly the best people or vampires in the world," he sets me down on the bed and walks over to his dresser, "Well I hope that maybe I can help. Hey what are you doing with that shirt, I have clothes," Reiji smirks bringing over one of his nice button ups to me. "I know, but I thought you would be comfortable in this. It's nice and soft and would be good for your sensitive skin, cause I know that that is a huge side-effect of the chemo," I blush at Reiji's sweet words towards me. 

"Th-Thank you," I muttered taking the shirt in my hands. "You want me to help you change or do you wanna do it," I blush redder and he chuckles getting the idea. "Alright, I'll turn away. Take your time, I'll put your clothes in your room," he turns away making me smile softly. I look down remembering that I'm in leggings because of my uniform and I changed out of it and into the shirt, but kept the leggings on so I'm not walking around without pants on. "Okay, you're good," I say sitting down on the bed. He turns and his cheeks turn a little pink seeing me in his shirt, "Are you comfortable," I nod smiling. "I'm gonna take a nap if that's okay. Can you wake me up when dinner is ready," Reiji nods as I start laying down, but I stop for a second reaching up and touching my wig. Reiji turns to look at me, "Oh Rosa," he says softly as he sits down on the bed seeing my face covered with sadness. I sniffle as my eyes start tearing up, "What if I never get better? What if I get worse? What if by the time I start to get better my hair never grows back? I don't know how much more I can take," whimpering as tears start to fall. 

He sighs with sadness and hugs my shoulders, "I'm sure that won't happen. We won't let it happen, you are a part of our home now which means that we will help you. Even if I have to knock my brothers around to make it happen," I giggle a little through my crying which makes him smile. "There you go. I got you to smile," I giggle more pulling away and wiping my tears, "Yeah you did. Honestly Reiji, you are the only one who has shown me any kindness since I've gotten here and I really appreciate it," I sniffle. Reiji smiles, "May I," he says gesturing to my wig, I take in a sharp breath. "It's alright," he says gently as he reaches for my wig, he looks at me as I whimper. He takes it off softly as I fidget nervously, "It's alright, I know it makes you scared for someone to see you like that. But it's okay, you don't have to be afraid of me seeing you," he sets the wig on the nightstand. He cups my cheeks making me look at him, my tears fall down my cheeks. "It's okay," he whispers while wiping my tears away with his thumbs. After comforting me for awhile I fell asleep in his arms, I don't know that he tucked me in so I can sleep soundly. He kisses my forehead rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. 

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