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The tension in her heart grew and grew with each moment of the silence that passed. To say that she was afraid, right there and then, on the spot was an understatement. En fait, she was thoroughly and completely terrified of everything: the emperor, the third prince, the questions and especially, the scenario. She just had this gut feeling that she had been entangled one way or another in a matter that she wanted nothing to do with. Oh if only she knew that she was right! Yes, she was right and she was just about to find that out!

'What do you say to working for my brother, the little prince?' he asked her. The question surprised her, but it did well to totally pacify her anxious mind after which she automatically calmed down significantly. She was then silent for a really long time, ratiocinating.

'I do not know what to say to you My Lord,' she finally said after ages if dwelling on the question.

'Speak freely Jaele, speak your mind,' he coerced her.

'I have no say in such,' she continued adamantly. The emperor sighed softly at her words.

'The Third Prince wants me to give you to him Jaele,' he began, causing her to snap her head up to look at him and then the little prince, and then back to him.

'My Lord,' she murmured.

'So you see Jaele, I need your consent to do so. That is the reason I am asking you such questions,' he explained to her. 'Shall I give you to him then?' he asked her.

'Do whatsoever pleases you My Lord,' was her reply after a short while of pondering on the question.

'Have her,' the emperor said after turning to the little prince. 'Greet your new master Jaele,' he ordered her. She nodded gently and stared at the little prince, proceeding to do as the emperor had bid her.

'I Jaele shall serve the third Prince with all of my sincerity. My master, My Lord, I acknowledge thee,' she said with a deep bow.

'I Maximilian shall care for you with all of my sincerity. Raise your head Jaele and look at me. I am not my brother,' he answered in a tone that suggested that he was still a wee bit angry that he had lost to the emperor earlier. The emperor chuckled mirthfully at his words.

'Why are looking for a fight Little?' he asked him. The little prince only sneered at him. He did not mind him at all, enjoying himself to the fullest at his brother's expense.

'Where are you from Jaele?' the little prince went on to ask the maid who was now looking at him.

'I am from the Iron clan My Lord,' was her reply.

'Then can you war?'

'I never tried to learn the art of war. I fear I am useless in something like that My Lord,' she confessed.

'What then can you do?'

'I can make things grow in the soil My Lord. I am extremely good with plants,' she informed him.

'And she is good with baths too,' the emperor chipped in. 'You can do that right? You can assist with baths Jaele, can't you?' Her fair face went crimson. The little prince sent the emperor a look of warning. The emperor smirked.

'Can you cook?'

'Yes I can My Lord,' she hesitated. 'But not so well.'

'Then it doesn't matter. You shall do well with me,' he said to her.

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