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This chapter is dedicated to




Suddenly, there was laughter in the bedroom. All the heads instantly turned in the direction of the unwarranted sound -or was it? The sound was from non other than Cora. There were lots of raised brows directed at her when she was done with cackling with laughter.

'What is it that humors you?' the Emperor asked her. She bowed the one knee bow in his direction and spoke to him with eyes directed at the clean floor of the bedroom.

'Forgive me My Lord, but I meant to cause a distraction that will have everyone in unison.'

'And it worked,' Matrix said with a slight shrug.

'How smart!' It was Quei. 'I never knew any of my competitors had such a large amount of wisdom. If it were not that I-'

'Forgive me for interrupting you Quiero Quei, but you are inadvertently toppling what I have just achieved. Please let us concern ourselves with the lady, only the lady until she is well taken care of. Then, we can all point fingers and throw accusations at each other. That is including I myself for I have something to tell you too.'

'Very well, I agree with you senior Zuiderose.'

'Thank you Quiero Quei.'

'Do not mention,' the soft feminine voice said with a happy and willing undertone.

'Get to your feet Cora,' the Emperor said to her, 'for you have done nothing wrong by me or anyone here. Infact, your wisdom has brought us all to a conclusion.'

'Thank you My Lord,' she said and then stood to her feet.

'Now, what shall you have me do for you?' Quiero Quei asked.

'Well well now Quiero Quei, in order for her to heal we need you and the Zuiderose to draw out her Quei essence. You are the only personality that we can reach without actually calling out her beast.'

'Isn't the Emperor here? Why does he not just have her and save us all the strength for this hassle?'

'Did you not just promise to do as you are told?' Matrix asked in a very frustrated voice. 'Did you not just do that Quei?'

'Well of course I said-'

'Then why on earth are you trying to frustrate me to damnation?! What have I actually done to you?'

'But she has a point,' the Little Prince spoke for the first time.

'You little-' the Emperor began but was cut shut by Hyeera.

'That is not a decision for any of us here,' the healer announced. 'Now Quei of you will please do as you are told and stop bringing up rather unnecessary things. If you had a form, I would have spilled juice over your head because you deserve if for doing this to someone you insist is your ward. All what you have been doing so far doesn't show that you care for her at all.'

'But I-'

'Save it Quiero Quei. If you really do want to say something, do it with action for it speaks rather louder than your words.'

'Alright, let's get to work. I shall have to possess my ward then. If I do, I do not also wish to leave her after it all. I wish to stay and guide her. I suspect foul play in whatever caused her to be lying here.'

'We shall see about that,' the Emperor said to her.

'It is a deal then.'

'I never made you any deal Quei. Let us be guided.' This time, it was Vura who laughed. The way the Emperor had told Quiero Quei 'let us be guided' cracked her to the extreme. She doubled over with her laughter until a few others joined her.

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