Love and Loss

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Taking my straw hat off I tossed it onto the side of the tombstone and sat down on the ground. The wind blew gently and my crazy blond hair blew into my face. Pushing it off to the side and behind my ear I looked at the stone in front of me. Engraved on it was the name of my best friend. Picking up a stone I tossed it as far as I could behind the grave and into the woods, hearing a soft thud moments later as it hit the trunk of a tree in the distance and fell to the ground into the tall grass that swayed in the wind. The smell of freshly dug soil filled my lungs as I took a deep breath. Life was a strange thing and it had a funny way of unfolding itself.

All I could think about was how time never reallty stops, even when you feel that it should. Even when a loved one dies it never slows down, not for a second. The wheel of life keeps turning for everyone else even when you feel like yours is stuck rewinding the same memory over and over again until you feel sick, and even then it does not stop. Even when pure hatred and anger fills your heart, it keeps on going. The tree branches keep swaying in the wind and the birds keep singing. The grass doesnt stop growing and earth doesnt stop spinning. Life goes on as  if nothing ever happened. But all you feel is confusion and regret and your thoughts refuse to stop racing through your mind.

Grief and sorrow gets a hold of your heart with its icy cold fingers and refuses to loosen its grip. It keeps tormenting you and every thought feels like a stab at a fresh wound. Your surroundings only reminding you of what you cant change and only making it worse and it feels as if someone keeps pouring salt into your cuts.

On both the right and the left of my best friends tombstone there were fresh graves without any tombstones yet, just wooden crosses marking the ground with the names of the deceased scratched into the wood. On the right was my friends husband, and on the left was his best friend.

It was all wrong, none of them should be dead, and yet they all were. Life is cruel and death doesnt only take the guilty but it swallows up the innocent along with them as well. There seems to be no justice.

Adelyn shouldnt be gone. It was all a missunderstanding. She was the closest thing to me, closer than any sister could have ever been. She was so full of life and now her grave seemed so lifeless and dull. There is no more laughter that once filled the room when she walked in. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought about all the jokes we shared while growing up. All the boys we secretly crushed on and all the dates we went on and always told each other about. I remembered the day George finally admitted to liking her more than just as a friend and asking her on a date. Of course she said yes. They've been flirting with each other for weeks already.

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