For Me

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More than for anyone else, this is a reminder for myself:

Be content with yourself and dont forget who you are. Dont know who you are? Find out. Dont sit around waiting for a shooting star. Live everyday like there is no tomorrow, one day there wont be. Stop thinking about everything that has gone so wrong in your life and think about what has gone right. Think of the things you like, like the chrismas song goes "i think of my favorite things", think of yours. What do you love? Also, stop asking 'why' and ask 'why not?' 

Yes, this life ends and yes that is depressing. All good things must come to an end but is your life good? Are YOU enjoying it? Are you even remembering to live? To just simply let life happen rather than trying to have it all figured out? You're not going to get anywhere by trying to live other people's dreams. All you're going to end up with is your head up your own ass. Stop trying to live to please others. Live to please yourself. Do you like you? If not than do something about it, dont just sit there. Life isnt going to change itself. It's your life, so own up to it and live it. Stop running from your problems, they will catch up to you and you'll have to face them sooner or later. So better sooner than later. It'll save you a lot of time to do other things.

Be honest. Be upfront with people, even if it hurts. Dont be rude and disrespectful, but rather have self-respect and humility. Value yourself. Be happy with yourself. Dont give someone the ability to give you that joy in your life, because they can snatch it away even quicker. Depend on no one but you, dont reject help but dont rely on that help to be your saving grace every time your in a ditch, learn to save your own ass. Be independent. Stand out. Be proud of being yourself. Of being simply you. Stop striving for fame and playing their game, dance to your own tune.

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