45. Going For A Picnic

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On the way outside, they ran into someone that Jett hadn't seen for a while. It was also someone he'd hoped to not see for a long while. Preferably forever. But life rarely followed his wishes.

They'd just passed a group of young people who'd been gathered together in a side tunnel, whispering and giggling to themselves like they were either high on life or high on something that was terrible for their health. Whatever it was, Jett didn't care.

The group fell silent as they noticed Mr Black and his procession, and it wasn't until they were nearly out of sight that Jett heard soft footfalls hurrying to catch up to him.

"Hey," called out a familiar voice.

Jett cringed on instinct. He ignored the voice. Please, he silently begged, let her forget she ever saw us.

Unfortunately, life was hating on him right now. The person persisted and finally fell into step beside him.

"What's going on," Moxie asked him. "What's in the basket?"

She looked the same as she usually did: a vertically-challenged person in a hoodie with pale skin and short bleached hair. Even the two small studs beneath her bottom lip were the same, and Jett couldn't help but glance at them.

Didn't those hurt?

And then he decided he didn't care, because it was Moxie. She was annoying and she could go get lost down a different tunnel.

"Hey." She elbowed him, which nearly startled him into dropping the picnic basket. "You deaf, flyer boy?"

"No," he grumbled.

"Then what's everyone doing?"

"Going for a walk," Jett said.

"Going for a picnic," Raven said.

They spoke at the same time, but Raven was just a bit louder so his words overrode Jett's. His great hood turned towards them. Jett could almost sense the smile hiding within its shadow.

He scowled, even as Moxie tilted her head. She glanced at Ava, who wore a cheerful smile, and then at Andrew, who shuffled along, head down and pretending he wasn't casting wary peeks at the flyers before and after him.

A grin slowly spread across her face. "Really? That sounds fun."

"Did you want to come along?" Raven's hood tilted ever so slightly.

"Definitely!" Moxie instantly agreed. Her gaze fell upon the basket that Jett carried. "I hope you have enough for me."

Jett's grip tightened on the basket. He glared at the back of Raven's head, wishing he could drill inside his brother's brain and understand why on earth Raven thought it was a good idea to invite Moxie. Sadly, he failed to get past the hood.

Ava gave a quick smile over her shoulder, showing her approval of the extra company. It only rubbed in the fact that Jett's opinion meant little. The only one left who might possibly share the idea that Moxie was better off far away from them, was Andrew.

But Andrew wasn't saying a thing.

Jett suppressed a grumble, and comforted himself with the fact that Moxie had no idea what she was getting into. Once she experienced one of Raven's picnics, she'd be scared for life. That notion cheered him up quite a bit.

Under Raven's lead, they exited the tunnels and came out in a small cellar. A rickety wooden ladder allowed them to reach the trap door, which opened up into a filthy kitchen that had seen far better days. Cobwebs dusted the ceiling and faded green paint curled off the walls.

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