46. It Has Been a Delight

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Jett was nibbling on pieces of dried apple when one of the Raven's scouts came up the ladder. She was out of breath, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

"Mr. Black," she gasped.

Raven's hood turned toward her. "Yes?"

Everyone on the roof looked curious. Except Andrew. The nervous man kept his head down. He'd barely eaten anything, instead choosing to play with the hunk of bread he'd been given.

Jett kept half an eye on the man. It was unlikely he'd try anything, but people were unpredictable. You never knew when they'd make a mad bid to the edge of a cliff and dive off in an attempt to escape.

"One of them is approaching."

"Sky?" Raven asked.

"No, ground. He's walking."

"I see. Then please guide him over. I'm curious to see what he has to say."

The Scout blinked, like she wasn't sure if she'd heard him correctly. Then she appeared to think better of her doubts and gave a short bow. "Of course, Mr. Black."

Jett watched her go back down the ladder. She was smart. Trying to make sense of Raven's thoughts was a quick way to go mad. It was easier to just go with the flow. He shifted his gaze back to his brother.

"Who's coming over?"

Raven dug into one of the little pouches in the basket and pulled out a piece of dried apple. He tossed it into his mouth. "One of Troit's flyers."

Jett nearly choked. It turned into a coughing fit when everyone stared at him. Even Andrew gave him a doubtful glance.

"Have some water," Ava suggested. She passed over a canteen of lukewarm water.

Jett took it and desperately chugged it down. As it turned out, he wasn't the only one deeply concerned by this development, because Moxie grew very still.

"You're letting one of them come up here?"

"Sure," Raven easily said. "Why not?"

"They're the enemy," she hissed. Her eyes narrowed into mere slits, and her hands curled into fists.


"You're going to let them come here? Just like that? What the hell you thinking?"

Raven's lips curved. "Don't be scared. I'll protect you."

She snarled, and grabbed the nearest thing. It happened to be a small piece of concrete that had landed on the roof from a distant blast. She threw it at him with deadly aim.

Raven simply tilted his head and let it fly harmlessly past. He took another piece of dried apple from the pouch. "These apples are great, Ava."

"You—!" Moxie fumed.

"Thank you," Ava smiled brightly. "You should thank your scouts, though. They found the tree in one of the yards and picked some for me."

"Mm, I'll make sure to do that."

Ava was all smiles and Raven was the picture of a perfectly relaxed man. Meanwhile, Moxie looked ready to sprint off the rooftop or explode, and Andrew just huddled quietly in his corner. He'd perked up for a second when he heard the word Troit, but when Jett glanced at him, the little man abruptly deflated.

Jett felt uncomfortable. It made him feel like he was a bully. He wasn't. He was the furthest thing from a bully, and he wished he could explain that properly to Andrew. Maybe when this was all over, he would. For now though, he was here to help Raven.

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