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Speak too softly,
These words will never speak for themselves.
Speak too loudly,
These words will never find their purpose.

Because when you have lost yourself within the world of someone's else existence; you experience what's it like to be a background character.

You live life through their eyes,
You live life through their heart,
You live life through your thoughts,
You live life through the world within theirs.

Tracing through footsteps, you begin to witness your shadow gradually disappearing.

Shifting and collapsing right before them.
They never saw you.
Why would they?
You never lived.

You spoke too softly for anyone to hear you.
You spoke too loud for anyone to help you.

However, you soon start to recognize...

You were to reconstruct your own life.
You are going to reconstruct your own life.
These words I uttered, were never too audible or too subtle.
For the shadow that outgrew your manipulative mind, came alive.

And along with it,

The independence.
The freedom.
The loneliness.

The Morningstar that outshines the heaven-sent haven.

You will soon regret,
Living life through me.

Love Underneath the Tangerine TreeWhere stories live. Discover now