XXXI. Running You Ragged

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  Chapter 31,
   Running You Ragged

" Track practice is going to be the literal, and actual end of me. If I die, bury my walkman with me please and thank you. "

   "Pick up the pace Delcour!" Karla shouted as she ran past me, I wanted to run faster than what I've been running but I couldn't anymore

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   "Pick up the pace Delcour!" Karla shouted as she ran past me, I wanted to run faster than what I've been running but I couldn't anymore. My legs were on fire, and I needed to take a break or I was going to cry.

  Leslie caught up to me and grabbed my arm, wrapping my arm around her neck as she wrapped his around my waist. She slowed down her pace so that she wasn't dragging me, and together we jogged down the track for the fifth time.

  "Thanks Les, I really can't go on anymore." I laughed, my sides started to hurt when I laugh.

  "No problem, she's acting like a drill Sargent just because of the Varsity versus JV games." Leslie acknowledged as we walked off the track, we needed a water break whether Karla liked it or not.

  It's true what Leslie said, the Varsity vs JV showdown was soon, and she wanted us to get better before we go to the hockey game. I wanted to be grateful for this extra practice but I couldn't, this wasn't what I wanted. That's what happens when you join a team anyways, you train until you want to jump in front of a train.
  Karla caught us and just called the rest of the girls off the track to have a water and stretch break, thank lord.

  "Girls, I'm just as tired as you are but if we're not going to practice during the Varsity versus JV, then we need to power through this." Karla tried sound enthusiastic but she only sounded disappointed in us.

  Nobody said a thing to her, I looked at her and nodded my head. What was there to say anyways? I wasn't about to thank her for killing my lungs, kidneys, and legs. Even my head started to pound after my third time around the lap, I was agility not stamina.
  "Three more laps around the track and then you guys can go shower, and finish whatever homework you've got."

  I wanted to groan but I was scared that if I did, I would have to do four more laps, so I sucked it up and walked onto the track. Karla is a good captain, I'll give her props for that, but she's also a little pushy and doesn't know when we need a break. This must've been what Charlie was feeling with coach Orion.

" Track practice is going to be the literal, and actual end of me. If I die, bury my walkman with me please and thank you. " I groaned as I threw myself on top of my bed, Freya looked at me and laughed.

  "Is practice kicking your ass right now?" Freya questioned as I flipped around and laid on my back, staring at our popcorn ceiling.

  "Kicking? Try dragging."

  Whenever you finally get used to doing easy practices and start to get lazy, Karla would throw a fast ball. Nobody was safe.

  "She's running all of us ragged because we aren't going to have practice all week for the Varsity versus JV showdown game." I was out of breath, I also needed a shower.

  I got up from my bed and walked over to my dresser, grabbing some clothes for my shower as I spoke with Freya about my nightmare for a team.

  "If she's running you ragged because you're going to have a break, then imagine coach Orion with the JV team right now." Freya grimaced as she thought about how the JV team was doing, I shuddered and shook my head.

  "Don't even put that in my head right now, I have to meet up with Guy to finish our project."

  I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I needed something relaxing today and my shower was going to be it. I really hope today's practice is good, angry Guy or tired Guy means a no working Guy. Not that I'd force him into working, if you're tired, you're tired. But a little hope didn't hurt nobody.

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