II. What An Entrance

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   Chapter 2,
     What An Entrance

  " Those people who crashed the orientation, they're your friends? Yikes man, I'll be keeping y'all in my prayers. "

    The whole auditorium got silent, which meant that the orientation is starting

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    The whole auditorium got silent, which meant that the orientation is starting. Amara bounced her leg up and down, just waiting for when the headmaster to dismiss them.

  "Are you also nervous?" The boy next to Amara asked, she looked over at him and nodded their head. Not only did this boy have flawless hair, he also had flawless facial features, oh to be God's favorite.

   "Is it that noticeable?" The girl whispered, not wanting to draw any attention as they weren't supposed to be talking at this moment. There's a possibility that meeting new people isn't as bad as she made it seem.

  "Not when I squint my eyes, it's not." The boy joked, causing a smile to break onto Amara's lips. As her nerves began to drift away, she got more comfortable in her environment.

   "I'm Ken Wu, you can call me Kenny though, it's what all my friends call me."

  Even his name is magical, God does have favorites and it sure ain't me.

  Amara thought to herself as she slowly put her hand out, Ken smiled and shook their hand without a second thought.

   "Amara Delcour, you can call me Mara though, my friends have a nickname for me as well." Amara introduced herself, with a smile before looking ahead, making sure nobody has caught them in a conversation yet. Paranoia, am I right?

  After letting go of his hand, Amara kept their eyes ahead, paying attention to every single word the head master and the dean said. Although their warm welcomes needed to be more warm, Amara didn't mind being here, so far so good anyways. Keeping a positive mindset throughout this whole year is what's going to keep her sane, or that's what their mother always told them.

  Everything was going all nice and dandy until the curtains suddenly moved, coming down on top of what seemed like students. Embarrassment flushed Amara's face, and they weren't even her friends, it's just the second hand embarrassment everyone gets.

  "We're the ducks.." A boy with a green ducks hockey jersey speaks, with a nervous chuckle following behind. The smile nervous stood on his face, but you could tell he wanted to smack himself.

   Chatter and laughter erupted from the audience, while Amara looked over at her friends with confusion. Now, more than ever had they wished that orientation was finally over, just so that they could escape this embarrassing moment.

  "Finally, I felt as if I have been in the auditorium since my mother gave birth to me!" Freya exclaimed as she stretched her limbs, Harmony only smacked her arm before grabbing her book bag.

  "I still have second hand embarrassment from earlier, I wonder if those kids got yelled at." Amara mumbled as the girls walked out of the auditorium, once again finding themselves pushing and shoving to get out.

  As if they wished for it, the students that were on stage, walked out of the auditorium as well. Not even wanting to make eye contact, Amara walked a bit faster than her friends.

  "I cannot believe they crashed the orientation. I am so embarrassed to be their friend right now." The girl with the French braids breathed out, catching the attention of Amara.

   " Those people who crashed the orientation, they're your friends? Yikes man, I'll be keeping y'all in my prayers. " Amara joked, trying to lighten the mood as it seemed the girl needed a good laugh.

  "Were my friends, if I get kicked out of the school, I'm definitely dumping them. I'm Julie, Julie Gaffney."

  "Amara Delcour, pleasure to meet you." Amara smiled as she shook Julie's hand, two new friends within a day, that's a new high score.

   Before anything else could be said, more students rushed out of the auditorium, which meant that there would be pushing and shoving. Amara would try to find Julie later during lunch, where nobody's elbows would be inside of her ribcage, and she would actually be able to hear what her friends say.

   If finding the auditorium was the most difficult part of the school, Amara was not prepared for finding their classes. If time was on her side, then they wouldn't be late to any of their classes, but that's only a small hope.

  At least if the girl was late to any of her classes, it wouldn't be anywhere near embarrassing than the stunt pulled from earlier this morning, which replayed over and over again. I don't think that's something you can live down, but like Amara stated before, she would be keeping them in their prayers.

   The only good thing Amara could think of that would keep a smile on her face, and a positive mindset, was the crash at orientation. That was certainly an entrance, and nothing could top that.

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