I Never Stopped Thinking About You

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This is a scene recreation of the first time that Barry and Iris kissed, the first time that she told him that she loved him, and the first time he told her he was The Flash (Wellll... before he erased it all of it from time, so yeah, first time traveling too), from Season One, Episode 15, Out Of Time.

I'll admit, I wasn't someone who was immediately captured by West-Allen earlier on in the show. I didn't see it as a would-they won't-they kind of thing, I saw it as Barry was the shining hero who always saves the day and gets the girl (yes, I ignored Oliver's advice, but hey, so did Barry!). And In my defense, I was a lot younger back then, but I digress...

The point I'm trying to get at here, is that even though that wasn't the reason that I came to watch the show during season one, there were a few West-Allen moments that shone through bright as day as amazing scenes (even more after looking back), and this one here is actually one of my favorites from the season, even when I was younger (also love the scene from right before it, Thawne's speech to Cisco was god tier in my opinion).

But that's enough blabbering from me, you came here to read! Now, Run Reader, Run!

The loud roar of thunder echoed across the waterfront as a thick layer of mist hung in the sky, almost as if all of mother nature was getting ready to unleash its wrath on the residents of Central City.

Most of the people walking along the waterfront didn't seem to notice the increasing signs that something was wrong though, just continuing with their normal lives as two people frantically pushed past them, strangely running in the direction of the bad weather.

Barry felt the cold sea air splash against his face as he ran, his feet barely touching the ground as his tan dress shoes did their best to dig into the mist-laden gravel path he was running down, the cool breeze brushing through his brunette hair as his black dress coat flapped behind him, a small bag packed with some of his forensics equipment clutched tightly to his side.

Iris was running right besides him, her long, dark brown hair bouncing against her shoulders as she ran, her moss green coat worn over her white blouse, zippered up almost all the way to the top only leaving a small amount of the shirt beneath showing as it was flipped over it, her brown boots hitting the path alongside his feet as they grew closer to their loved one.

Panic coursed through their veins over their worry for Joe as they got closer to the spot that Mardon had given them, fearful thoughts rushing through their minds as to what the criminal had done to him, or what he may still do.

Joe's still alive, which means that there's still time to save him! All I have to do is get to him in time before he hurts him again or anyone else, and then find a way to stop a guy that controls the weather. Piece of cake.

" What'd we do?" Iris asked, her breath heavy as they reached the waterfront.

" He'll find us." Barry told her, taking a quick look around to see if the wanted man was anywhere in sight, though Iris had already spotted something looming in the distance.

" Oh my god." she breathed, as Barry followed her gaze out across the bay, the deep rumble of thunder rolling out across the dark blue water as heavy gray clouds formed at an almost unnatural pace, gathering together as they moved towards the shore.

That's Weather Wizard all right.

" Iris, you need to get out of here, okay?" Barry said worriedly, as he rushed over to her, taking her hands in his as he looked her in the eyes.

" I am not leaving you." Iris stated, looking back at him with just as much fear and concern for him that he showed for her.

" Iris please!" he pleaded, desperate to make sure that she was safe.

The Flash: West-Allen Family Recreations: Love Struck By LightningWhere stories live. Discover now