𝐕 - 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬

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"Good morning sir! I hope you had a good morning today!!" Mina gleefully greeted which Bakugou just rolled his eyes

"Oh fuck off, my morning was fucking shitty" He groaned as his eyes had eyebags under it

"I see..but good morning anyways!!"

Bakugou was frustrated, extremely frustrated as a new product of his is nearly launching which caused the company to get much busier with his employees to work much harder than before and some of them even took overtime.

It was tiring especially for him as he had to fix his schedules repeatedly and even with Y/n's help, he still had problems but what bothered him the most is that his rival, Todoroki had also planned to launch his new project at the same time and date as him.

Todoroki also managed to get a famous model, a star, and other stuff, Momo Yaoyorozu so he needs to make sure that everything goes perfectly and right.

"What?! They fucking canceled?!" Bakugou exclaimed in extreme disbelief and Y/n just nodded as she told the news to him. "Tell them to eat their shit and die!! Motherfuc–!!"

The ash-blonde guy banged his head on his desk as he looked at the telephone beside him, he had come to his last resort and even if he doesn't like it he will do it for the sake of his company.

"Oi, how the fuck has it been?" Bakugou said as he forced a smile but instantly sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What?! I did not just call you because I have a reason!! I just called you because I wanted to see how life has been treating you and wondering if it's fucking shitty!" He yelled and it immediately turned silent on the other side of the call

"..Alright, I actually need you to model for me.."

"Mhm, see you" he then ended the call and carried the telephone in his hands before throwing it to the wall and not even caring about it since he could just buy a new one.


"Where the fuck is she?!" Bakugou exclaimed before a fawn-colored-haired woman immediately hugged him from behind.

"Bakugou-kun~" she cooed, which made you stiffen and blink in extreme shock.

"Are you the new model? Camie Utsushimi?" Y/n asked to which she nodded and you just didn't say anything before giving her the clothes to change into. She then came back with a wide smile on her face as the cameraman then told her to pose and you bit your lip in slight frustration as Bakugou was staring at her intently.

"What if you tilt your head much higher? Like this" He said, putting a finger up to his chin as he slightly looked up but Camie couldn't quite get it so he sighed before walking up to her and gently grabbing her chin which made the pit in your stomach much deeper.

'They seem close..wait, am I jealous? But they're just friends, right??' You thought to yourself but shook the thoughts out of your head as you just focused on your work.

After what seemed like endless hours of the camera flashing repeatedly, Bakugou called it a day in which Camie rushed up to him before you could do so.

"Bakugou!! Aren't you going to say something like how pretty I am?" She said as she put her hand over to his chest but he doesn't seem fazed and what scared you the most is that he was not pushing her away

"No" Bakugou bluntly said which she pouted

"But I saved your company!!" Camie whined and the ash-blonde guy just deeply sighed before grabbing a check from his pocket and giving it to her.

𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐲-𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 • || 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘𝚞 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ||Where stories live. Discover now