Just like rain.

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Male POV:

20:09 PM.
I'm sitting at a bar counter with a few friends of mine, having some drinks. Until, Clyde, the guy with the darkish blue hair with a tint of purple and slight gray eyes, asked me.
"Cassius, I heard your parents got you into an arranged marriage. Have you seen or known who your fiancée is yet?"
I shot a glare at him. A glare that obviously says "Why do you keep talking and asking nonsense?". I let out a sigh before facing him and answering his question.
"No, I have not, Clyde. Though, I know she's more prettier than your girlfriend."
The others started laughing after I finished talking. Clyde raised his left eyebrow and said "You're quite confident when you haven't even seen her yet." I shrugged and smirked at him. "Then, would you like to make a bet?". Clyde shook his head slowly before handing me a glass of cocktail. I raised the glass, finishing it in one go before I got up.

"I should get going, it's getting late. My parents are gonna be worried sick. I'll see you guys again some other time." I waved them goodbye and left the bar. I unlocked my car's doors, went in and began driving back home.
About 15 minutes later. .
I arrived and parked my car in the underground garage before entering my house. I loosened my tie and saw my parents discussing something in the living room. I walked over to them and greeted them before asking.
"Mother, father, I'm back. What are you both talking about?"
My mom gave me a warm smile and said.
"You'll be meeting your fiancée and her family tomorrow morning, dear. Please treat them warmly. We'll also be hosting a welcoming banquet for them as well." I let out a sigh that couldn't even hide my disappointment.
"Do I really have to marry her?"
My father nodded and smiled.
"It'll be beneficial to both sides of the family. And, you're a good child, Cassius. You know that." I nodded and bowed before heading off to my room. I showered and changed into my sleep wears. I sat at the edge of my bed, thinking about what's gonna possibly happen tomorrow until Amai, my cat, tugged onto my pants. I let out a soft chuckle before picking her up and putting her onto my bed. I laid down and pat her gently on the head. A few minutes later, I dozed off..

The next morning, at exactly 6:28AM, a servant knocked on my door before telling me to get ready because my fiancée's family is gonna arrive soon. I got up and went to get ready. I changed into a normal suit since it isn't gonna be anything special anyways. Just a normal meet and greet.. I thought to myself. After finish fixing my tie, I knelt down and carried Amai out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I didn't have to worry about getting her fur onto my clothes because she has a black mixed with white fur and rarely sheds. I put her down and walked to the living room where I find my parents talking to each other happily. I went and sat near my mom on one of the sofas. I was scrolling through my phone to pass the time.

6:51AM, a maid came in to inform us about their arrival. I let out a sigh and got up along with my parents. As soon as they entered, my heart skipped a beat and my jaw dropped... She's gorgeous. Not just like any gorgeous women you see everyday, she looked just like a goddess, an angel sent from heaven. She had lovely silky light brown hair, blue eyes with a tint of gray, pinkish coloured heart shaped lips and she was wearing a gorgeous white dress that suits her perfectly. I was out of breath for a hot second. As our families greeted each other, both our parents began chatting.

(Pic of the dress she's wearing, not mine. Pic taken from Pinterest.)

It was boring

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It was boring. I sighed quietly as my father turned towards me and said, "Cassius, why don't you take Azalea out to the garden? The weather is nice outside and the flowers are blooming this season as well." That's right, her name was Azalea Willows. I nodded and glanced at her, waiting for an answer. She looked back at me and said, "It would be my pleasure to be able to see your garden, Mr.Nolan." I got up and held my hand out to her, waiting for her to take it. She stared into my eyes for a brief second before placing her hand onto mine. After I led her to the garden, I let go of her hand and sat on a bench at the left side of the fountain. I watched her as she looked around the flower beds. Her hair softly flew in the air as she bent down to touch one of the gardenias.
"May I pluck it out?" She asked, still looking at the flowers.
"Of course, you can pluck as many as you wish." I smiled as I answer her. If she was a flower, she'd be quite a gorgeous one.
"Thank you." She said as she plucked out the gardenia and held it to her nose.
She wasn't smiling or anything. I couldn't read her or tell what she was thinking. Her expressions were empty. I looked away from her and into the sky as I feel the weather was getting slightly hotter. I looked back at her and smiled.
"We should head back inside, it's getting hot outside now."
She nodded and walked towards me. I got up from the bench and led her back inside, to where both our parents were. She ran up to our parents with gardenias and bell flowers in her arms. And, she started giving them flowers, a gardenia and a bellflower, to each of them. She was smiling so warmly, so warm that it even made my heart melt. And, just like that. No.. And, just like rain, I fell for her.

 And, just like rain, I fell for her

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